2017 RETA Breeze Nov-Dec

knowledge of industrial refrigeration. Upon graduation, the students should be ready to move on to the next step in their career path. Some may choose to pursue additional education to be engineers or service technicians. Others may opt to accept positions as entry level plant operators. And still others may join contractors to learn the trades of installation, project management, or to be beginner service technicians. Over the next two months we will be working through Industrial Refrigeration I with the objective of having those students who are interested take the CARO Test for certification. The students who are successful will certainly demonstrate that they have the knowledge to enter our industry and begin to prepare for a career. We keep saying there is a lack of qualified operators. Here is a program that will produce some new candidates with a beginner’s box of tools, metaphorically speaking. They will be new, eager, and without a lot of bad habits. So, all you plant managers, contractors, manufacturers, and designers get ready for some bright new prospects looking for those jobs you need to fill.

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