2017 RETA Breeze Sept-Oct
Dr. Ron Rodgers, RETA’s Psychometrician (testing expert) and ANSI Accreditation
58%, and CRES 1%. Many also earned RETA credentials that are now expired, including CARO (21%), CIRO (5%), Level A (7%) and Level B (2%). The CARO survey asked how RETA certification has impacted refrigeration system operations in their experience. Nearly 100 responded to this question by reporting: • Improved plant safety: 95%. • Improved plant efficiency: 86%. • Improved operator awareness of safety requirements: 83%. • Improved costs of plant operations: 76%. Over 350 survey comments demonstrate how certification addresses RETA’s Mission Statement “To enhance the professional development of industrial refrigeration operating and technical engineers.” They cited many benefits from RETA certification. • “RETA certification makes operators aware of dangers associated with the job.” • “RETA certification increased safety awareness across all experience levels.” • “Everyone at our plant has a better understanding of the hazards of ammonia.”
• “I ammore conscious of potential hazards. We take a proactive approach to mitigating hazards and follow PPE guidelines from our SOPs.” • “RETA certification has opened my eyes to energy saving opportunities.” • “Costs are lower because of greater knowledge of the refrigeration process.” • “RETA training helped me understand why safety requirements are in place.” • “RETA certification not only provides the basic knowledge for safety, but it creates a level of pride in following safe work practices.” • “RETA certification has made me more aware of how my decisions can impact the daily operating costs and maintenance costs of the refrigeration system.” • “RETA heightens awareness and support by executive management for preventive maintenance of all equipment and proper training of staff, which ultimately leads to safer, more efficient operations.” We welcome your questions about RETA’s credentialing exams and activities. Send your questions by email to Dan Reisinger at dan@reta.com
Manager, has guided development of RETA credentialing exams since 2002. RETA Testing Corner provides information and answers questions from RETA members, candidates and others to help them earn and benefit from RETA credentials. Each RETA credential is designed to measure the knowledge and skills needed to perform safely and effectively at that level. RETA recently conducted a new CARO Practices Survey to update the content areas that will be required to pass future CARO examinations and the number of questions that should be asked for each topic. Responses came from 158 people with 86 employers in 46 states and Canada (1). Of these, 67% have worked as system operators, 41% as supervisors, 19% have provided technical support and 15% have experience as refrigeration instructors or trainers. Ninety-nine percent of survey participants hold at least one current RETA credential: CARO 63%, CIRO
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