2017 RETA Breeze Sept-Oct
The theme for this year’s Past Presidents Dinner was “Family”, and that is how I felt when I looked around a room full of people I have come to love and respect, with an organization that means so much to me, RETA is family, my family. The dinner took place at The Mill in Hershey, Pennsylvania during the 2017 RETA National Conference. The Curry family built The Mill in 1880 as a warehouse to store grain and feed. As time passed, due to high demand, coal was added, becoming a staple in the community. In time, The Mill became a gathering place. RETA isn’t much different than The Mill. Our founders saw a need and built an organization to meet that need and feed its members. RETA wouldn’t be where it is today if it wasn’t for our Past Presidents. The RETA Past Presidents not only honored the past, but they embraced the future. This small group came together for a short time to reminisce and enjoy our Family.
Guests arrived at The Mill and were led to the top floor where they were greeted by friendly servers, long farm tables, and welcoming table décor which set the mood for the evening. Everyone mingled, hugged and ate some appetizers just like any other gathering. Dinner began and everyone sat and just like with Family at Thanksgiving, people passed plates, served each other, laughed, and remembered. Looking around the room, I was touched by the many Past Presidents who were sitting among us. It seemed to me that everyone was feeling how special this gathering was. After several courses, I passed the mic and asked the Past Presidents in attendance, “What RETA means to them?” Speaking from underneath what looked just like the cog in the RETA logo, was Alex Gooseff (Past President 1975). Person after person speaking from the heart about what RETA means to them. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house. I still find myself thinking back to that night at The Mill, where a special group of people laughed, cried, and came together to honor the Presidents from the past who were dedicated and determined and who made RETA a family. ~ Jim Barron
RETA Executive Director Jim Barron
Alex Gooseff P.E., RETA Past President 1975
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