2017 Technical Report July-August
The new day has dawned for business, and many who are giving the best of themselves are asking more than money in return for their activities and investment. They are measuring success, not only by a dollar standard, but by the regard in which they are held by those who produce, and those who consume their product. The accumulation of money, without this high regard and the happiness that comes with it, has but little charm for the right thinking business person.
Money is asking questions these days, for there comes a time in every person’s life when every dollar asks the question, “How’d you get me? How’d you get me? How’d you get me?” Worship by people at the shrine of the dollar sign is almost a thing of the past, and in its place has come the shrine of humanity, to which sooner or later we will all make our pilgrimage.
• a higher type of citizenship; and
• the employees’ personal interest in the employer.
To the public has come: • better service;
• surer service;
• a more honest service;
• a higher quality of goods; and
• the public’s personal interest in both employee and employer.
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