2018 RETA Breeze May- June

if divided by 1728 (the number of cubic inches in a cubic foot) = 62.83 cubic feet. Concrete is ordered by the cubic yard, so we must divide the cubic feet. by cubic yards. ere are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard. If we divide 62.83 by 27 we need 2.33 cubic yards of concrete. Should you have any corrections or additional information pertaining to this article please forward them to Sara Louber at sara@reta.com.

1.10 30 bollards. Each bollard utilizes 8” Schedule 40 pipe 6’ long. e total volume is calculated by the following: 4” (radius) x 4” (radius) x 3.1416 (Pie) x 72” (the length of the pipe) x 30 (the number of pipes) = 108,573.7 cubic inches. Or

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Simple design, More compression, Simple design, Simple d sign, less ener y

less energy l s energy less energy

The Original Fuller ® Low Stage Ammonia Boosters... designed and built by FLSmidth A Ful-Vane compressor boosting to a reciprocating compressor is one of the most efficient designs for low-temperature systems. • New and replacement boosters • Factory authorized service and rebuilds • OEM parts, including B3000 ™ blades, bearings and seals • Designed for long service life Contact Robert Youells: Ph: (610) 264-6515 • Fax: (610) 264-6307 The Original Fuller ® Low Stage Ammonia Boosters... designed and built by FLSmidth • New and repl cement boosters • Factory authorized service and rebuilds • OEM parts, including B3000 ™ blades, bearings and seals Contact Robert Youells: Ph: (610) 264-6515 • Fax: (610) 264-6307 www.conveyorspneumatic.com/gas-compressors The Origi al F ller ® Low Stage Ammonia Boosters... designed and built by FLSmidth A Ful-Van compressor boosting to a reciprocating compressor is one of the most efficient designs for low temperature systems. • New and replacement boosters • Factory authorized service and rebuilds • OEM parts, including B3000 ™ blades, bearings and seals • Designed for long service life The Origin l Fuller ® Low Stage Ammonia Boosters... designed and built by FLSmidth A Ful-Vane compressor boosting to a reciprocating compressor is one of the most fficient designs for low-temperature systems. • New and replacement boosters • Factory authorized service and rebuilds • OEM parts, including B3000 ™ blades, bearings and seals • Designed for long service life Contact Robert Youells: Ph: (610) 264-6515 • Fax: (610) 264-6307 www.convey neumatic.com/gas-compressors

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