2018 RETA Breeze May- June
Continued from page 23
motor to pass over a cake of ice when it is lying at on the oor. e main and auxiliary carriages are built of 4’ angle iron, securely riveted together, and mounted on wheels of suitable size and grooved to t T-iron tracks.” Not much is known about J.B.’s personal life. My archives are woefully insu cient. I know not when he was born, from what parentage he emerged, or when he died. I know not where he was buried, or what lineage he le . I know almost nothing of his private life. e one notation I do note is a tragedy on March 8, 1908. J.B.’s younger brother, an employee of his at the time, committed suicide by gunshot on the third oor of the cooling tower at the Shreveport Ice and Brewery Company. J.B. was present working just below in the engine room. J.B. was the rst to reach his brother. He was pronounced dead at the scene. In the suicide note, whiskey was blamed. eir mother, in poor health at the time, took the news with much distress. As was the custom, the funeral was held in her home.
Constitution and By-Laws and to issue both in book form for use by the members.” e idea is attributed to Norman Register, but the motion was made by J.B. In 1918, J.B. le Shreveport, for the New State Ice Company of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. It was at the New State Ice Company in 1921 that Mr. Embrey, then Plant Superintendent, would be called upon to revolutionize the ice trade. And as was typical he proceeded to educate the industry on exactly how he accomplished it. He devised a machine a er considerable experimental work to cut up ice by mechanical means. “ e machine consists of a circular saw mounted on the armature sha of a ve- horsepower motor. is motor and saw are suspended from the underside of an auxiliary carriage, which has a travel of 21” at right angles to the line of the saw, and on a track on the main carriage. e main carriage has a travel of 60” in line with the saw. e main track is secured to the oor at the proper height for the
A tragic occurrence in the life of a man devoted to the betterment of life for those working in the engine rooms all across our country. Information from the magazine and newspaper articles were used to research this article. e information used to generate this article is believed factual. Should you have any corrections or additional information pertaining to this article please forward them to the editor .
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