2018 RETA Breeze May- June
e RETA Breeze is the o cial publication of the Refrigerating
Engineers & Technicians Association (RETA). RETA is an international not- for-pro t association whose mission is to enhance the professional development of industrial refrigeration operating and technical engineers. Don Chason Executive Editor 704-455-3551 Jim Barron Executive Director
PHA Team Members: Who Should Be on My Team? page 18
jim@reta.com Sara Louber Senior Director, O ce Operations
sara@reta.com Dan Reisinger Certi cation Manager dan@reta.com Mary Hendrickx
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Message from the President .............4 Epic Fail ..............................................6 Packing nut PSM/RMP Compliance Audits........8 Who should perform them? Conference Corner..........................10 See you November 6-9 in Dallas, TX
Is Your Contact Information Up to Date?.......................................17 PHA Team Members.......................18 Who should be on my team? e Refrigeration Historian ...........22 RETA’s Testing & ANSI Guru ........26 Take advantage of RETA resources e Shade Tree Mechanic...............28 Don’t lie RETA’s New Headquarters .............29 Certi cation Honor Roll.................30
Conference Manager mhendrickx@reta.com Dan Denton Chapter Relations Manager ddenton@reta.com Jim Price Education Manager jprice@reta.com
Meet John Bento ..............................11 RETA’s new Assistant Education Manager Dissecting Industrial Refrigeration ....................................12 Linear measurements Call for Annual Awards Nominations.....................................16 Send your nominations today
e information in this publication is based on the collective experience of industry engineers and technicians. Although the information is intended to be comprehensive and thorough, it is subject to change. e Refrigerating Engineers & Technicians Association expressly disclaims any warranty of tness for a particular application, as well as all claims for compensatory, consequential or other damages arising out of or related to the uses of this publication. Publication of advertisements in Breeze , or any other RETA publication, does not constitute endorsement of any products, services or advertisers by RETA and shall not be considered or represented by advertiser as such. Copyright © 2018 Refrigerating Engineers & Technicians Association.
REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS & TECHNICIANS ASSOCIATION 1725 Ferry St. SW, Albany, OR 97322 Telephone: 541.497.2955 | Fax: 541.497.2966 RETA.com
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