2019 Breeze Jan-Feb

CORNER CONFERENCE Call for Abstracts


The RETA 2019 Technical Conference Committee is sponsoring a Call for Abstracts relating to Industrial Refrigeration.

Call Paper Timetable Timely submission of the abstract is critical to the success of the program. The procedures and timetable enumerated below will apply. All authors will receive electronic notification indicating acceptance or rejection of the submitted abstract in mid-March of 2019. The deadline to submit an Abstract is February 28, 2019. The RETA Technical Conference Committee looks forward to receiving abstract proposals in response to the call and is happy to respond to inquiries from interested parties. Questions may be addressed to PeggyWiederkehr at peggy@reta.com.

The Committee welcomes papers on the following suggested topics:

• Management • Compliance • Operations • Engineering

Authors of accepted abstracts will present their work at the RETA 2019 National Conference, taking place from October 8-11, 2019. In addition, the papers will be published and given to each attendee. Both RETA members and non-members are invited to submit proposals for papers.

SELECTION PROCESS 12-point selection process will be used by reviewers. It will be suggested that contributors use the 12 points as a guide before submitting an abstract. Note: Authors who do not follow these guidelines are more likely to have their work rejected. • Does the abstract capture the interest of a potential reader of the paper? • Is the abstract well written in terms of language, grammar, etc.? • Does the abstract engage the reader by telling him or her what the paper is about and why they should read it? • Does the abstract title describe the subject being written about? • Does the abstract make a clear statement of the topic of the paper and the research question?


• Does the abstract say how the research was/is being undertaken? • Does the abstract indicate the value of the findings and to whom will they be of use? • Does the abstract describe the work to be discussed in the paper? • Does the abstract give a concise summary of the findings? • Does the abstract conform to the word limit of 300-350 words? • Does the abstract have between 5 and 10 keywords or phrases that closely reflect the content of the paper?

• The abstract should be no more than 350 words. • Purpose: Ideally in 1-3 sentences, state the primary objectives and scope of the study or the reasons why the document was written. Also state the rationale for your research. Why did you do the research? Is the topic you are researching an ignored or newly discovered one? Why is it significant? • The abstract should be void of any self or commercial promotion and/or advertisement • An abstract template will be avail- able.

• Should the abstract be accepted?

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