2019 RETA Breeze Jul-Aug
that their ExComm and the RETA Staff are proposing a budget that utilizes RETA’s resources in a way that truly serves the membership. Time has sure flown by and RETA’s 110th Annual National Conference is rapidly approaching. We are looking forward to an excellent educational program with new hands-on sessions, exciting workshops, great networking opportunities, and hot point sessions that provide extremely valuable information to help you understand the ins and outs of operating and maintaining an industrial refrigeration system. We also can’t forget our extensive Exhibition Hall in which the exhibitors will be making your time in the hall a fun, but meaningful, learning experience as well. We are exited to announce that we have also added a CRST Review Course which, along with the Train the Trainer, CARO, CIRO, and CRES Review Course, is held directly prior to the Conference. The Review Courses are an excellent opportunity as the attendees receive a two or three day educational program, handouts/speaker materials, RETA coursebook(s) listed in each class description, 16-24 PDH credits and lunch each day. For further information on the Review Courses, please visit www.reta.com/page/2019-conference- certification-review-courses. Please also join us for TopGolf on Monday, October 7th at the MGM
Budgets are an integral part of running a non-profit Association efficiently and effectively. A key component of RETA’s financial sustainability is the commitment of the RETA Board and HQ staff. By the time you are reading this, the Executive Committee (ExComm) has come and gone from RETA HQ in Albany, Oregon to work out the 2020 budget details. They traveled across the country a day or two beforehand and worked diligently on Friday to finalize next year’s budget. Both RETA Staff and ExComm have streamlined the budgeting process tremendously, but they do so initially separately. One of the benefits the Committee has when they meet in person at RETA HQ, is that the staff involved with the budgeting process are there to answer questions, provide examples and records, and thoroughly explain upcoming goals and the reasoning behind all projected numbers. Once approved and implemented, the RETA budget is referenced and reviewed on a consistent basis by both staff and the Board. I have an infinite appreciation and respect for the Board of Directors and their employer’s generous support, encouragement, and donation of time and resources. When the Board of Directors meets to have the final discussion and approval of the financials, they come into it knowing
RETA Executive Director Jim Barron
Grand. If you’re a skilled golfer, the games present a novel, but accessible, challenge. But if you’re new, intermediate, or on this side of terrible, it’s stress-free because it’s an all- inclusive environment. For further information on TopGolf visit www.reta. com/page/2019-conference-top-golf. If you would like further information about any aspect of the 2019 RETA Conference, please visit https://reta. com/page/2019-conference-home or
call RETA HQ at 541-497-2955. We can’t wait to see you there! ~ Jim Barron
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