2019 RETA Breeze Mar-Apr
2019 RETA National Conference Fast approaching
by Peggy Wiederkehr, Conference Manager
of manufacturer sessions will make this year one that is jammed packed with a lot of learning to be gained; and a lot of knowledge to be taken back to your workplace. Our hotel reservation site for the Rio All-Suites Hotel & Casino is now active and can be located on the RETA Conference page at https://reta.com/ page/2019-conference-hotel-and- travel. For guests that prefer to phone in their reservations, please call the Reservation Center at 888-746-6955 to secure your reservation and receive the special RETA rate of $169 per night/plus tax. Group name RETA, or reference the group code SRRET9. The registration portal is now open and you can register for Conference, guest program, Top Golf event, etc. You will also see we are offering the review courses over three days versus two days. We will have the CARO, CIRO, CRST, and Train-the-Trainer from October 6-8, 2019 and the CRES from
October 7-8, 2019. Sign up for a review course, stay for the Confer- ence, and take your exam all in the same week. There is no limit to what you can take away and accomplish at this year’s Conference. And lastly, a shout out and thank you for the following companies that have confirmed their support for the 2019 RETA National Conference. Without our Sponsors’ support, we would not be able to provide our members and industry with the educational experience and commitment to safety in the Refrigeration Industry.
Can you believe the 2019 RETA National Conference is only a little over six months out? The Conference Manage- ment team and the National Conference Planning Committee have been busy planning this year’s event. Our “Call for Abstracts” has been closed and the “ ...This year is jammed packed with a lot of learning to be gained; and a lot of knowledge to be taken back to your workplace. ” papers submitted are being reviewed and graded by our Technical Committee. This revised timeline for the technical program will let us share the 2019 RETA National Conference program with you by the beginning of May. The technical topics, new hands-on sessions, new workshops, Hot Points, and the addition
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