2019 RETA Breeze Mar-Apr
Clean as a whistle We all have seen plenty of bad photos. Now it is time to show your pride and submit good installs and pretty equip- ment for a chance to win some RETA Swag that HQ has sent me for prizes!!
Submit your photos along with a descrip- tion of it and I will pick a winner! If we use your photo in the Breeze, you will receive a RETA Swag pack! Make sure that you include the description and if you want to be recognized in the Breeze or not. I have been in many engine rooms that are cleaner than some restaurants I have eaten at during all of my years of traveling service man, so now it is time to show it off. Not limited to engine rooms or equipment. If you have photos of an Epic Fail please pass them on to nh3fail@gmail.com the names have been changed to protect the guilty! — Arlie Farley Farley’s Frigeration
Risk Management & Air Compliance
Ammonia Detection SystemCalibration OSHA Process SafetyManagement Operator I, II &PSM/RMP Training EPA RiskManagement Programs Mechanical Integrity Inspections
SCS Tracer Environmental Division
Compliance&Safety Audits StormWater &Spill Plans Compliance Tracking
Air Permitting SCSeTools®
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