2020 RETA Breeze Jul-Aug

So, it will be hard to keep him out of the virtual display booth. LOL It’s funny how different people remember different things about Conference. To my grandson, the RETA Conference is where stuffed alligators come from, pictures of new compressors, and the place where grandpa and grandma dress up. To my daughter, Conference is that time, when she gets new information and new thoughts on compliance in the industry (my daughter is a refrigeration compliance specialist). My technicians look forward to Conference for new tips and service tricks. My engineers want to know about the latest multi-platform valves, condenser technology, and water treatment innovations. There is something for everyone at the RETA Conference, and the virtual RETA Conference will be no different. We are trying to organize a virtual RETA rumble. For everyone who has attended and seen the chaos in person, can you imagine the chaos associated with a virtual rumble? This will be great! I’ve already heard rumors that some teams are looking at faster internet connections to give them an advantage when buzzing in. Can you imagine anyone doing that? Humm, I wonder if the internet speeds in Astatula, Florida are faster than Broughton, Ohio? I may need to check on that. You know if I could talk Tonya into unplugging Arlie’s internet connection before the first question……….. LOL The Conference Committee and RETA HQ are working very hard to make “Virtual RETA 2020” unforgettable! We hope you join us. But this Fall holds a lot more than the RETA Conference. Our committees are also hard at work. New editions of training manuals IR1 and IR2 were released recently. Many more exciting things are coming. The next issue of the Breeze will be our Conference preview edition. I’ve also

got a peek at a few of the upcoming articles, it will be great! We are seeing renewed activity from

enforcement agencies. RETA is monitoring the ever changing

environment, and as you seen a few weeks ago, we will forward information to the membership when we see issues. RETA HQ provides so much for the membership, and the elected leadership. They are working diligently to provide you the best possible service throughout these difficult times. Thank you HQ! The Executive Committee is working on the 2021 national budget. All our Board of Directors are preparing for the fall board meeting and strategic planning. It is an exciting time. Our chapter meeting attendance is rising. As more and more chapters are choosing to meet in person, we need to remain vigilant to keep the RETA family safe! I suggested a door prize for the best refrigeration mask! We have a “no fingeres or toesies” rule. If you can stretch out and touch fingers or toes, your too close. The chapters that are choosing to remain virtual for the time being can also reach out to an even larger segment of their membership. Invite those members who are too busy to drive to the meeting to attend virtually. Also consider making an archive of your virtual chapter meetings for those who are not available at the time of the meeting. RETA HQ can help with this. This is a great time to try something new with your chapter. I want to thank Gordon Roscoe for the opportunity to speak at his chapter meeting. I had a great time. Thanks Gordy! Please remain safe! Thank you for the opportunity to serve!

Vern M. Sanderson VSanderson@WMIllc,com

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