2020 RETA Breeze Nov-Dec

Vern Sanderson of Wagner-Meinert , assumed the role of the Association’s Chairman of the Board. Eric Teale of Danfoss Industrial Refrigeration, LLC assumed the role of National President. To round out the Executive Committee are Executive Vice President, Keith Harper of Tyson Foods Inc Treasurer, Peter Lepschat of Lineage Logistics National Second Vice President, Bengie Branham of Perdue Farms Industry leaders elected to serve a three-year term on the Board of Directors are Alan Gervais of Western Precooling Systems ; Michael Hawkins of M idatlantic Refrigeration, LLC ; Debbie Koskie of Calibration Technologies, Inc. ; and Jeremy Murfin of AC & R Specialists. “I am honored to welcome these accomplished individuals to the board. Their diverse backgrounds and unique experiences in the industrial refrigeration industry will make them an exceptional asset to RETA’s Board of Directors and the Association as a whole,” RETA Executive Director, Jim Barron. Additional members of the 2020/2021 Board of Directors are Bill Ellena of Coastal Pacific Food Distributors, Inc. Bill Lape of SCS Engineers David Gulcynski of Dot Foods, Inc Edward Johnson of Schwans Global Supply Chain, Inc Jim Kovarik of Gamma Graphics Service Jordan Reece of Lanier Technical College Ray Urban, Jr of Lineage Logistics Ricky Jimenez of Mericle Mechanics Inc. Committee Chairs for 2020/2021 are: Certification – Lee Pyle of SCS Engineers Education – Dave Gulcynski of Dot Foods Marketing: Dascha Whitmore Membership: Mike Hawkins of Midatlantic Refrigeration, LLC National Conference – Jim Kovarik of Gamma Graphics Services Publications – Matt Hayes of TJW Industrial

2020/2021 RETA OFFICERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS ANNOUNCED RETA was pleased to announce the 2020/21 Officers and Board of Directors at their Annual Business Meeting, held virtually at the RETA National Conference.

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