2020 RETA Breeze Nov-Dec
scheduling conflicts prevented him from presenting it to the Board. President Sanderson presented Chairman Hayes’ report. The report highlighted the activities from 2020. Additionally, plans for 2021 were presented to the Board. There were no questions. Director Lape motioned to accept the report. Second Vice President Lepschat seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the motion passed. Chairperson Pyle with assistance from Executive Director Barron, presented the Certification Committee Report. Statistics were given for certification testing through the 2020 year. Additionally, Chairperson Pyle provided a status report of current committee activities. It was a very detailed report and at the conclusion there were no questions. Chairperson Pyle motioned to accept her report. Director Urban seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the motion passed. There were also special committee reports. Special committees are those formed at committees. These committee reports in lieu of a motion for acceptance, were noted in the meeting minutes. The Chaplin Services committee was chaired by Jordan Reece. President Sanderson expressed his thanks for Chairman Reece’s work during the year. President Sanderson also expressed his belief that the committee had been instrumental in helping him through the pandemic. the will of the President. President Sanderson had established three such
Executive Vice President Teale initiated a discussion about the need to continue this committee
further discussion and the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 10:42 AM PST. October 27, 2020 The RETA National Business Meeting was conducted during the 2021 National conference. Attendance numbered in the conference attendees on the conference website for 30 days after the conference. A video of the meeting will then be available on the RETA website. October 29th, 2020 The RETA Awards ceremony was held. This included award presentations as well as the swearing in ceremony for new national officers and Board of Directors members. Attendance also numbered in the hundreds. The video of this ceremony is also available to all conference attendees on the conference website for 30 days after the conference. A video of the ceremony will then be available on the RETA website. October 30th, 2020 This meeting was the scheduled post-conference Board of Directors meeting. Highlights of this meeting include the President’s agenda for the upcoming year and assignments of the new Conference Chairpersons. President Teale called the meeting to order at 8:04 AM PST. Vice-President Harper conducted the opening invocation. President Teale outlined the operating procedure for the meeting. This meeting of the Board of Directors has been specifically called for Board hundreds. A video of the meeting is available to all
Training and Conference Recap. Under new business. President Teale assigned Executive Director Barron as Chairman of the EducationVideo subcommittee. The need for training material translations was discussed. Executive Director Barron will be contacting translators. A good discussion was had concerning granting RETA Authorized Instructors a larger voice in the Breeze or Technical Report. A long discussion ensued about the past National Conference (2020). Overall response to the Conference was good. While there were glitches, all seemed to have enjoyed the first virtual conference. Treasurer Lepschat motioned to adjourn the meeting. Director Hawkins seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 10:08 AM PST. _____ Thank you, for taking the time to read the “Board Report”. Your input is essential to the operation of the Board of Directors, the success of the National Officers, and the long-term success of the organization as a whole. Your opinion matters. If you would like to take issue with anything the national board or officers are currently working on, or if you would like to assure something continues, please contact a director. Contact information is available on the RETA website. Your opinion matters! Submitted by Chairman of the Board Vern Sanderson
during the 2021 year. The Chapter Officers
Communications Committee was chaired by Vern Sanderson and the committee included all the members of the National Board of Directors and all National Committee Chairpersons. Per the report:“Given COVID, the committee met with limited success. While conceptually the committee seems a great idea. The execution by the Chairman (me) was less than needed for success.” Executive Director Barron presented the Association Relations Committee report. This committee was appointed as a special committee to bring special emphasis on the importance of board participation. The Executive Director maintains relations with other organizations as part of his normal duties. Per the report: Good Relations are maintained with IIAR, RSES, GCCA, Process Cooling, among others. The coalition with ASTI and GCCA is going strong. Relations with RSES are being maintained by Sanderson and Barron. Barron believes it’s not a committee responsibility, it’s a responsibility for his position.” Board of Director Chairman Farley motioned to adjourn the meeting. Director Ellena seconded the motion. Executive Director Barron thanked outgoing Board of Director Chairman Farley for his service to the Board of Directors and the Organization. President Sanderson thanked Board of Director Chairman Farley for his guidance throughout the previous years. There was no
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