2020 RETA Breeze Nov-Dec
2020-21 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN Vern Sanderson, CIRO, CRST, RAI Wagner-Meinert, LLC PRESIDENT Eric Teale, CARO, CRST Danfoss Industrial Refrigeration EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Keith Harper, CARO Tyson Foods Inc TREASURER Pete Lepschat, CIRO, CRES, CRST Lineage Logistics SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Bengie Branham, CIRO Perdue Farms DIRECTORS Alan Gervais, CARO, CIRO Western Precooling Systems Bill Lape, CARO, CIRO, CRST SCS Engineers David Gulcynski, CIRO Dot Foods Inc. Debbie Koske Calibration Technologies, Inc Edward Johnson, CARO Schwans Global Supply Chain, Inc. Jeremy Murfin AC & R Specialists Jim Kovarik Gamma Graphics Jordan Reece, RAI Lanier Technical College Michael Hawkins Midatlantic Refrigeration, LLC Raymond Urban, CARO Lineage Logistics Ricky Jimenez, CIRO Mericle Mechanical Inc William Ellena Coastal Pacific Food Distributors, Inc COMMITTEE CHAIRS Dascha Whitmore, Marketing Dave Gulcynski, CIRO , Education Dot Foods, Inc. Jim Kovarik, National Conference Gamma Graphics Lee Pyle, CARO, Certification SCS Tracer Environmental Matt Hayes, CARO, Publications TJW Industrial Michael Hawkins, Membership Midatlantic Refrigeration, LLC Jim Barron, Executive Director
Thank you cannot begin to describe the gratitude I have for this opportunity to be the President of RETA. It is an honor to be entrusted with care of RETA. The RETA Presidency is like taking watch of a vessel on its journey through an ever changing sea towards achieving the Mission of the professional development of the refrigerating technical and operating engineer. This past year has shown us that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry and RETA has had to adapt quickly to keep on course. Thank you to RETA Chairman Vern Sanderson and the incredible RETA Staff to make 2020 as successful as it could be. It is my duty now to help keep us on that course. Keeping on course will require RETA to continue to lead the way in the Education and Certification of Industrial Refrigeration Professionals, fortifying existing programs while we create new offerings that meet the needs of the Industrial Refrigeration Professional of today and tomorrow. We will be working to further enhance our online training, chapter meetings, virtual chapter, and online certification. Keeping on course will require the Board of Directors and Committee Chairs to do the right things for right reasons with the mission statement in mind and heart. I am confident that’s what the Board and Committee Chairs will do. To the Board of Directors I give you these words from the poet Rupi Kaur,“trust your body-it reacts to right and wrong-better than your mind does-it is speaking to you.” Our members can help RETA stay on course by volunteering for Committees, sharing their knowledge with others, bringing a non-RETA person on board, and letting us
Eric Teale, RETA National President
know when we are moving off course. Out on the horizon for the Industrial Refrigeration Professional and RETA is more adaptation: new refrigerants, new technologies, digitalization, electrification, climate change, responding to an aging workforce, and responding to the blurring of the labels industrial/commercial. The fantastic thing about labels is that we are the ones that place them and we are the ones that can take them away. I don’t see these things out on the horizon as storm clouds but winds to propel us into the future. As Ray Bradbury tells us,“It’s part of the nature of man to start with romance and build to reality.” I am excited for the upcoming year in service to RETA. Thank you to our Members, Sponsors, and Volunteers. Than you again for this opportunity and join me on our journey. Thank you,
EricW. Teale, P.E., CRST RETA National President
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