2020 RETA Breeze Sept-Oct
What reviewers have to say:
When I was asked to review the paper, my first thought was incident investigations again? What else can be said that hasn’t been said? I was wrong. Michael has compiled a lot of good information. The first section of the paper, “Introduction to the Incident Investigation Element”, lays the foundation for why the requirement exists. Section 2,“OSHA Requirements for the Incident Investigation Element” looks at the OSHA as well as EPA requirements. Many times, we think we know what the standards require, but many times, our opinions are based upon what we were told not what we read. Sometimes, we know what the standard says up until the time we stopped reading. This section provides a good opportunity for us to recalibrate what we know about Compliance”looks at what should we do beyond what the standard requires. I filed this section under “value added investigations”. Section 4 is a walkthrough of how to perform the investigation. The whitepaper is extremely detailed, I can’t imagine how Michael can cover all of this during his presentation. But from reading the whitepaper, I believe that the presentation will be an hour well spent. the standards. But the best sections were yet to come. Section 3,“Going Beyond
Continuing Education Credit: 1 PDH
Author: Michael Keller, CIRO
T his paper provides guidance on performing an incident investigation for ammonia refrigeration systems. Following the requirements of OSHA’s Process Safety Management 29 CFR 1910.119(m) and EPA’s Risk Management Plan 40 CFR Part 68.81 for Incident Investigations, this paper will provide comprehensive and specific instructions on how to meet the requirements of these standards for compliance. This paper will demonstrate why it is important to go
beyond compliance and utilize the incident investigation procedure as a tool for continuous improvement. Other focus areas include a step by step guide, root cause analysis, training, and various related topics. This previewwas compiled by Kyle McCluer and Vern Sanderson in conjunction with the author, Michael Keller, CIRO, Bassett Mechanical. We would appreciate your feedback after the presentation. Please be as detailed as possible in your comments.
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