2020 Tech Report Jan-Feb

Task # 3.a.: Returning a Configuration “A” Control Group to Normal Operation




Ask your supervisor or facility contact to notify all affected departments and per- sonnel including: Facility personnel, con- tractors, and visitors. Confirm that the following valves are closed, locked, and tagged out per the facility Lockout / Tagout Program: Confirm that the following automatic valve’s manual operating stem is in the “MANUAL OPEN” operating position. Valve “B” Solenoid If the control valve configuration is as shown on Figure #3, ensure Valve “E” is throttled open to the correct position. Remove lock and tag and slowly open Valve “A” to introduce pressure to the control group which is isolated. Check for ammonia odor. If a small ammonia leak is observed, the source of the leak should be inves- tigated and the leak repaired. If a large leak occurs, secure the area to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering; notify safety personnel; close, apply lock and tag to Valve “A” then pumpout the valve group. See Task # 2.a. of this Maintenance Pro- cedure. Valve “A” Valve “D”

Facility personnel, contractors, and visitors should be trained on the dangers associated with ammonia, including early exposure de- tection techniques.




If adjusted, the correct position of Valve “E” was noted in the Master Maintenance Log (or facility equivalent) or on your dispatch report during the shutdown procedure. If you have any questions, consult your facility contact. A Pre-Startup Safety Review is required prior to initiating this step.



See Task # 2.a. of this Maintenance Proce- dure.


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