2020 Tech Report Jan-Feb

1. Preparing for Refrigeration System Strainer Cleaning ACTION COMMENT 12. Utilize the “ Control Group Valve Configu- rations Chart” on Page 5 of this Mainte- nance Procedure to assist in choosing the correct procedure.

Based on control group configuration, select the appropriate Task: • Task # 2.a.: Cleaning a Strainer in a Con- figuration “A” Control Group: Drain Valves • Task # 2.b.: Cleaning a Strainer in a Con- figuration “B” Control Group: Gauge Valves • Task # 2.c.: Cleaning a Strainer in an Al- ternate Configuration Control Group: No Drain Valves NOTE: When performing this procedure, the prevention of hydrostatic lock is of extreme importance. The Refrigeration Operator/Tech- nician or facility personnel in charge of this procedure must field verify piping to ensure shutdown will not create safety or operational issues.


Verify the isolation procedures and isola- tion points for affected piping or systems. Write down the valve numbers in the ma- trix below. If a specific letter designator is not utilized in the specific procedure, enter “N/A.”


Actual Valve Number

Original Valve Position

Valve “A”

Valve “B”

Valve “C”

Valve “D”

Valve “E”


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