2021 RETA Breeze Jan-Feb


Hello All, Happy New Year everybody! 2020 is a year for RETA’s history books. We started the year strong and on track but then in March everything went sideways due to COVID. RETA HQ has been diligent in regard to changing and keeping up with the virus and regulations. We are keeping RETA strong with chapter Zoom meetings and our committees are doing amazing work. The RETA Board of Directors have been amazing in their work running the Association. We just completed our ANSI/ ANAB annual certification surveillance and submitted it for approval. We had our hopefully one and only virtual conference and we are looking forward to seeing everyone in person at RETA 2021. Our membership is dipping slightly but we are holding strong. Thank you RETAmembers for sticking with us through this rough time. RETA HQ is currently down four employees so please be patient with us as we move through these difficult times. Let’s get the COVID-19 virus under control and eradicated and then we can get back to doing what we do best, Industrial Refrigeration. We need to keep training and we need to keep temperature in our

refrigerated spaces. By doing so we help to keep our food safe and ready for delivery. We must continue to help support each other like the Ammonia Safety Day Coalition that RETA, IIAR, GCCA and ASTI are partners in. This coalition is there to support and train people in our industry through safety days, regional conferences, the annual conference and RETA chapter meetings. We will help each other in regard to natural refrigerants safety and operations training. This is work in progress and there is more information to come in the next few months. We do not know what our future holds, however we are planning our 112th Annual Conference in Schaumburg, Illinois November 9-11 to proceed as an in-person event. The Conference Committee has been diligently planning a fantastic event and we are expecting and hoping that the virus will be under control by November. On a personal note, I would have to say that I truly understand how RETA has made it through a great depression, two world wars, Korea, Vietnam, 9/11, and now COVID-19. It was done only through the quality people we have as members and our desire to support the industrial

RETA Executive Director Jim Barron

refrigeration industry. We have the best people in the world in RETA and it shows every day. So, with that being said I will say thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting RETA and have a Blessed New Year. Jim Barron

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