2022 RETA Breeze March-April
The mission of RETA is to enhance the professional development of industrial refrigeration operating and technical engineers. The goal of the Education Committee is to develop educational materials suitable to advance the mission. The foundation of RETA’s Education program is the RETA books and online training materials. In order to remain relevant, the educational materials need to be reviewed and upgraded regularly to reflect the current trends in the industry. The RETA Board of Directors has set the ambitious goal of having all materials reviewed and revised on a 5-year schedule.
Currently, • IR-1, IR-2, and BE-1 have been revised and upgraded recently. • IR-3 Plant Maintenance and Related Items - has been in committee and has recently seen the light of day. It will now undergo final review and formatting to make it ready to print. • BE-2 Ladder Diagrams - is in the final stages of edit and assembly. • Ammonia Refrigeration Compliance has been in committee and has recently seen the light of day and will now undergo final review and formatting to make it ready to print.
• Controls 1 & 2 – After years of service, Controls 1 is in the process of being modernized. Including information about improvements in the world of modern industrial refrigeration controls. Controls 2 is next. These educational materials require countless hours by dedicated RETA Members to make them“the Best They Can Be”. I want to thank them for their service. Right now, your Education Committee needs your help. If you would like to be part of improving RETA’s education materials, contact: vince@RETA.com
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