2023 Jul-Aug RETA Breeze

2022-23 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN Keith Harper, CARO Tyson Foods Inc PRESIDENT Bengie Branham, CIRO, RAI SCS Engineers


EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Michael Hawkins, CARO Midatlantic Refrigeration, LLC TREASURER David Gulcynski, CIRO Dot Foods Inc. SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Bill Lape, CARO, CIRO, CRST SCS Engineers DIRECTORS

Greetings My RETA Family,

I am extremely excited to say that this months President Desk is coming to you from South Africa… And yes, I said South Africa. Jim Barron and I are in the country at this time to bring our RETA culture and standards to the international commu nity. The RETA culture coupled with our core “family values” have risen to a point that the global community is aware and very intrigued. They not only view us as the Gold Standard to promoting safe and efficient operation of industrial refrigeration systems, but they are envious that we all coalesce as a family and support each other. What RETA has projected to the international industrial refrigeration world has once again shown that American grit and determi nation can create anything we put our collective minds to. And that is why I am so excited to show the world what RETA is all about. It is an honor to be an ambassador for RETA. With Jim and I having our “family support”, the international industrial refrigeration world is going to get both barrels at one time. Now to be completely honest, I have to disclose that I was very cynical at first when accepting the invitation to bring our RETA values to other countries. But through direct conversation with individuals and now actually being outside the United States, I have a sense of shame. Let me explain. As a proud American “Red, White and Blue”, I looked at everyone through that

Alan Gervais, CARO, CIRO Western Precooling Systems Andrew Palomar, CARO APCCO Arlie Farley, CARO, CIRO, CRST Farley’s SRP Inc Barbara Kirkpatrick Mi-Docs Debbie Koske Calibration Technologies, Inc. Edward Johnson, CARO Gordon Rascoe, Jr, CIRO, CRST, RAI ConAgra Brands Jeremy Murfin AC & R Specialists Jim Kovarik Gamma Graphics Services Melissa Cassell General Refrigeration Company Raymond Urban, CARO Lineage Logistics Victor Dearman, Jr., CIRO, CRST Peco Foods, Inc COMMITTEE CHAIRS Certification: Lee Pyle, CARO SCS Tracer Environmental Education: Eric Girven, CIRO, CRST, RAI SCS Tracer Environmental Marketing: Jodie Rukamp SCS Tracer Environmental Membership: Arlie Farley, CARO, CIRO, CRST Farley’s SRP, Inc National Conference: Jim Kovarik Gamma Graphics Services Publications: Vern Sanderson,

Bengie Branham, RETA National President

prism. Very prideful and stubborn. What I didn’t see through my jaded view was that there is a world that only wants to be what we are. They do not wish to compete with us. They only want the same things that we desire. To provide for their families and to have a better way of life. Last year, while I was in Orlando performing an MI inspection, I met an amazing gentleman that is from the continent of Africa (I will have more on this person and the incredible organiza tion he is associated with in my final Breeze edition). To hear firsthand his personal struggles to come to America and experience the “American Dream” stopped me in my tracks. I began to look inward at myself and what my priorities were at that time. At that moment, what I came to realize, I did not like what that light illuminated in my soul. I was never a bigot and I

CIRO, CRST, RAI Schwan’s Company Executive Director: Jim Barron

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