2023 RETA Breeze Jan-Feb

What else does IIAR6 require for evaporative condenser maintenance? In addition to the above annual tasks, the following tasks are to be done on an annual basis. 1. Visually inspect the condition and alignment position of couplings and pulleys 2. Visually inspect supports are in place 3. Verify motor mounting bolts are in place 4. Clean water sump and sump strainers 5. Where applicable, verify adequate oil level in gear box The following tasks are to be done on a semi-annual (six-month) basis: 1. Verify condenser fans, shrouds, and hubs are in place and have no signs of cracking or excessive degradation, including no obstructions 2. Where applicable, verify belt tension by measurement and its condition 3. Lubricate fan shaft bearings 4. Access and verify condition of fan blade hubs 5. Where applicable, lubricate fan and/or pump electric motor bearings Note that it is no longer sufficient to test the fan tension by pressing upon it with your hand. It must now be measured and documented. On a monthly basis, the following tasks are to be completed: 1. Verify that the water treatment program is within tolerance Finally, on a weekly basis, the following tasks are to be completed: 1. Listen to rotating parts for abnormal sounds 2. Visually inspect rotating parts for excessive vibrations 3. Verify guards of moving parts are in place 4. Verify water supply is functional IIAR6-2019 was published less than a year before the world shut down due to the pandemic, and while regulatory inspections were put on hold during the pandemic, it is now considered Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practice

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