2023 RETA Breeze March-April


• American Society of Mechanical engineers (A.S.M.E.) • American Society of Refrigeration Engineers (A.S.R.E.) (Director: 1910 -1912, Joint A. S. M. E. and A. S. R. E. Refrigerating Machines and Plants Committee member, Research Committee member, Committee on Constitution and By-Laws member, Committee to Cooperate with the Bureau of Standards in Its Investigations of Refrigeration Problems member, Joint A. S. M. E. and A. S. R. E. Committee on Standard Tonnage Basis for Refrigeration and Owners’Method of Determining Rating committee member) • American Association of Refrigeration (Board of Engineers On Educational Work member, Committee on Papers and Lectures (chairman) • National Association of Practical Refrigerating Engineers (N.A.P.R.A.E.) MR. VOORHEES AUTHORED A MULTITUDE OF ARTICLES PUBLISHED AROUND THE GLOBE. HIS BOOKS INCLUDE: • Indicating the Refrigerating Machine: (1899) • The Absorption Refrigerating Machine (1911) • The Absorption Refrigerating Machine, Elementary Theory and Practice (1923) • The Absorption Refrigerating Machine: Advanced Practice and Theory (1924) • The Compression Refrigerating Machine: (1927)

Gardner was called before our Lord on March 18th, 1937. While visiting his sister in Palm Beach, Florida. He had been ill but a short time and died after a short hospital stay. His memorial was much attended. Reverend Lindsay officiated the memorial. Later he was interned in the family mausoleum in New Orleans. The industry lost a great friend that Thursday morning. I’m sure he looks out upon the children of the industry he elevated, with great pride. Information for this article included information from historical notes, and articles. The information used to generate this article is believed factual. Should you have any corrections or additional information pertaining to this article please forward them to the editor. The Refrigeration Historian wanders around his extensive refrigeration library, lamenting on Refrigeration History, and socializing with “Molly”, Varmint eradicator of the archives.

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