2023 Sep-Oct RETA Breeze

HOT WORK PERMITS FOR AMMONIA REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS Tony Lundell Hot work requirements have been around for a long time, but do we really under stand why? Join us for an enlightening presentation by a very entertaining speaker. OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) and the Hazard Prevention Element of EPA’s Risk Management Plan (RMP) require employers to issue a permit for hot work operations conducted on or near a covered process. The hot work permit is a crucial safe work practice, which is why it’s included as a key PSM/RMP element. This presentation will examine the role of hot work permits; the regulatory require ments and application criteria for their use; the risks involved in hot work; and additional guidance on safely carrying out hot work projects. We’ll review… • Required pre-permit measures • Hot work precautions • Issuer and performing authority acceptance verifications • Post-permit measures • Issuer closure and performing authority acknowledgement • Hot work permit-to-work process steps • Considerations for inspection visits of the work area and permit handover LEARNING OBJECTIVES • After participating in this activity, participants will be able to… • List required measures for hot work permits. • Discuss the risks involved with hot work permit activities and the precautions required to mitigate those risks. • Identify responsibilities of individuals involved with approving and performing hot work permit activities.


Bill Lape Do you have a deer in the headlights look when someone mentions doing an MOC? Do your knees quake when someone asks you to do an MOC? Are you told routinely that “You should have done a MOC for that?” Has a regulator cited your facility with less than 10,000 lbs of ammonia for not managing changes under their General Duty Clause? If so, then you need to consider signing up to attend this full-day workshop on conducting a proper • The steps to conducting an MOC and when to do them during the change • How to determine what system documentation will need to be modified due to the change at the facility • What documentation is needed as part of an MOC • How the design of your MOC form will make it easier or harder to conduct a proper MOC Mr. Lape’s experience includes all aspects of preparing a PSM program. This includes participating in Process Hazard Analyses as the team leader and recorder and prepar ing qualitative risk analysis. Mr. Lape is also experienced in developing Process Safety Information packets, drafting Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams, writing Standard Operating Procedures, perform ing safety relief and inventory calculations, as well as developing and conducting initial and refresher training for Ammonia Refrigeration Operators. Mr. Lape has also been involved in auditing PSM programs, performing over 50 audits since 2015, helping to ensure that facilities are keeping their employees and the public safe, while maintaining compliance with regulations. Management of Change (MOC). In this workshop, you will learn: • How to determine if an MOC is necessary

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