2023 Sep-Oct RETA Breeze


open exhibit hall hours. Winners will be announced at Awards Night, Thursday, November 16th. Don’t forget to select that you’re attending the Awards Night when you register for Conference! Did you know you can get involved and be a part of the team that makes the Confer ence successful? It’s true. The RETA Confer ence has many volunteer opportunities: • Conference Committee Member • Onsite Session Moderator • Conference Speaker & Presenter For more information and to get involved contact Stephanie Date at 541-497-2955 or stephanie@reta.com Don’t forget to save the date for RETA 2024 in Grapevine Texas! If you missed the opportunity to sponsor and/or exhibit this year, don’t worry! We will have great opportunities for 2024. REGISTER TODAY! If you have not registered yet, now is the time! Please register at https://reta.com/ page/2023-conference-register. BOOK YOUR ROOM TODAY! The RETA room block has expired but don’t fret, there are still rooms available at the Hyatt Regency Riverfront Jacksonville. Please book your room directly on their website or call them at 904-588-1234. As always, the success of this event is not possible without the continued support of our generous Sponsors, Exhibitors, Confer ence Committee, Volunteers, RETA HQ Staff and Board of Directors. See you in Jacksonville, Florida! • Onsite Event Setup • Registration Support • Onsite Volunteering

WHAT IS THIS “RETA RUMBLE”? In the early 2000’s the Atlanta chapter created a competition based on the “College Bowl” television show of the 1950’s and 1960’s. This bowl event places two teams of college students in competition to win money for their school. The students hear a question posed by the moderator and the first team to “buzz in” is given the opportu nity to answer the question. Points are awarded for correct responses and removed for answering wrongly. The Atlanta chapter challenged the Carolinas chapter in the first “RETA Bowl” in a joint chapter meeting. It was a success. In 2005 the RETA Bowl was introduced as a presentation at the 2005 annual conference. Four chapters got together to compete through a tiering elimination structure culminat ing in the awarding of the champion precipitated the need for a referee to declare which team first indicated they want to answer and whether the response is accurate or not. At times the room erupted into loud agreement or dissatisfaction with the referee and moderators. Thus came the name RETA Rumble. It is a lot of fun. The RETA Rumble is an activity associated with a sponsored breakfast on the second or third day of confer ship to the winning chapter. The competitive nature of the teams

ence. Everyone needs breakfast and the chance to sit down to eat with new friends you will meet at conference. Leadership felt it was important to give all attendees a chance to participate in the learning and competitive challenge that comes through the fast-paced delivery of questions from the moderating team. The questions center on refrigeration knowledge, local history, and information present ed in an informational history lesson presented before the competition begins. Having a mix of questions makes it possible for all in attendance to respond to questions. The tables are numbered and equipped with bells and paddles used to indicate their intent to answer the question. Today, four referees and two moderators are required to provide order as tables compete for the opportunity to answer the question. Today, eighteen years after the introduction of the competition, table teams receive prizes mid-competition and the scores add up. The team of the winning table receives significant awards, sometimes $100 gift cards thanks to the sponsorship of the event. Come for a great breakfast, enhance relationships with new acquaintances, and experience the opportunity to learn from the group as a whole. RETA Professional Development Hours are awarded for your participation. See you there……….

Stephanie Date Events Manager

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