2024 Mar-Apr RETA Breeze
December 14th. Afternoon Session President Kloss called the afternoon session to order at 2:15 PM. The first paper of the afternoon was “The Development Of The Modern High Efficiency Ammonia Compressor Through The Application Of The Worthington Feather Valve”. Presented by Thomas C. McKee of the Carbondale Machine Company. The paper was very enlighten ing for the day. The design of compres sors was changing. (Editor’s note: An edit ed version of this paper is being featured in an upcoming retro-technical report.) The next paper presented also con cerned compressor design. Harry Sloan, all-star engineer, from the Vilter Manufac turing Company presented “The Present Status of the Two stage Compressor.” While two-stage compression was not new, it was not utilized to the extent that it could have been. Mr. Sloan demon
strates his knowledge of the history of the industry in this paper. It is a must read for those interested in the subject. (Editor’s note: An edited version of this paper is being featured in an upcoming retro-technical report.) Dr. Siebel addressed the organization with his thoughts as to the organizations importance to the industry. The next presentation was originally titled “Increasing Capacity of Ice Ma chines by Application of Multiple Effect Devices.” It was also published as “Increase Ice Machine Capacity By Use Of Voorhees M. E. C. And M. E. R. Devices”. At the conclusion of the presentation, Mr. Kohler and Mr. Porter offered additional information. The next paper presented was by C. W. Kohler, Booth Fisheries Company entitled “The Absorption Machine in Theory and Practice”. The paper presented in detail the operation of the ammonia absorp
tion machine. In addition to the overall operation, Mr. Kohler went into detail on each major component, Rectifier, Absorber, Exchanger, and Liquor Cooler. A lively discussion occurred during the question and answer session. The secretary of the National Association of Stationary Engineers, Fred Raven, addressed the assembly. He compliment ed the assembly on their devotion to education. The next paper presented was “Manufac ture of Raw Water Ice” presented by Gilbert Sellers, South Chicago Ice Plant. The presentation was the longest of the convention. But it was also one of the best received. Following the conclusion of the question and answer sessions. President Kloss adjourned the session. The entertain ment for the evening featured a smoker
and industrial movie night. Continued in the next publication.
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