2024 Mar-Apr RETA Breeze
What does RCD Stand for? RCD stands for RETA Certification Database. Can I use the same PDH for more than one certification? Yes, as long as the PDH are earned during the time frame in which all certifications are active. They must uploaded separately under each certifica tion. How many PDH do I need to renew? A minimum of 24 PDH are required for your certification renewal every three years. It is only necessary to upload 24 PDH. If you would like to upload more, that is acceptable, but not required. Am I required to use the RCD? Yes, it is required to use the RCD for your PDH. It is recom mended to upload the documents as you receive them. PDH documents must be uploaded in PDF format only. Why doesn’t RETA know how many PDH I have? RETA does not track, nor have records, of your PDH documents other than RETA National Conference Certificates and what When a PDH is returned to you, RETA staff adds notes as to why it was not accepted. Why isn’t Hazwoper approved for PDH? RETA’s certification committee has made the decision that Hazwoper is not an acceptable PDH. Refer to the Appendix 500-B table for more information. I thought my employer paid for my certification renewal. Why did it expire? It is the INDIVIDU AL’S responsibility to renew their certifica tion prior to the expiration date. Exactly what steps are needed to renew my certification? You need to upload your 24 PDH documents to the RCD, complete the electronic certification renewal application, and pay the renewal fee. YOU have uploaded into the RCD. Why was my PDH returned in the RCD?
I didn’t know certifications expire. How do I know when it expires? Certifications expire every three years. Your expira tion date is listed on your certificate and membership card. It is the individual’s responsibility to know when their certification expires. RETA sends courtesy reminder emails beginning at 6 months before your certification expires. Make sure RETA has your correct email address on file. *Important Note* The certification renewal fee is not the same as your annual mem bership fee. Certifications are paid every three years and memberships fees are paid annually. All of my PDH have been approved. How far in advance can I renew my certification? You cannot renew your certification more than 6 months prior to your certification expiration date. Can I get an extension to renew my certifica tion? RETA does not offer extensions. If you do not meet the requirements PRIOR to your expiration date, your certification will expire, and you will need to take and pass the certification exam to become certified again. A PO was issued for my exam fee, why cannot I schedule my exam? Per RETA policy exam fees must be paid before the exam can be scheduled. If using a PO, it must be paid prior to scheduling an exam. What can I do to make sure I get my exam scheduled when I want? PLAN AHEAD! IF you are taking the exam at a Kryterion test center, schedules are on a first come, first CERTIFICATION EXAMS
served basis. Some centers have very limited availability. You must contact RETA directly to schedule your exam. When your application is processed, you will receive an email to contact us to schedule. If you are taking the course at a school, plan ahead and make sure you have turned in your exam application and fees have been paid (this includes PO’s being paid) If you do not, you will not be able to take the exam with the other students. I need to reschedule or cancel my exam. You may reschedule an exam by contact ing RETA no less than four business days before the scheduled date of the exam. Exams that are cancelled or rescheduled without notice, or failure to show up to the exam, we will require a processing fee of $135 to cover the charges that RETA will be charged by the testing company. The fee must be paid before the exam can be rescheduled. How long do I have to schedule my exam after I have turned it in? Exam applications expire one year from the date of payment. It is your responsibility to schedule your exam prior to that date. Does my exam fee include a practice test? How do I access it? The exam fee does include a practice test. When your application is paid for and processed, a link to Webassessor will be emailed to you with instructions.
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