2024 Mar-Apr RETA Breeze
appears. “Carbon dioxide can displace oxygen” parallels answer A in the sample question. Three navigation buttons appear on the far right side of the screen. The top button fits the image to the width of the window on the right side of the screen. The + and – icons zoom in or out. The CTRL key + Mouse scroll wheel also can be used to zoom in or out. RETA encourages all candidates to be as familiar with the references in their study guides as they should be with manuals for the refrigeration systems they work with and support on the job. Just as candidates must know when to refer to a manual or other resources when a problem occurs on the job, questions on RETA exams do not indicate when a candidate should use information in these onscreen references. RETA exams require that each candidate must decide when to consult these references.
Candidates who want to take additional practice tests can do so for $59 per attempt. These can be purchased from the RETA online store. Many candidates pass their full exam after several practice tests, but it is not necessary to pass a practice test. The most important factor is to master how to use the references for their full exam. RETA’s mission “To enhance the professional development of industrial refrigeration operating and technical engineers” is never more evident than in the steps RETA takes to help CARO, CIRO and CRST candidates prepare for and earn their credentials by passing RETA exams. RETA wants to help every candidate succeed. We welcome your questions about RETA’s credentialing exams and activities. Send your questions by email to certification@ reta.com.
Dr. Ron Rodgers, RETA’s Psychometrician (testing expert) and Accreditation Manager, has guided development of all RETA credentialing exams since 2002. RETA Testing Corner provides information and answers questions from RETA members, candidates and others to help them earn and benefit from RETA credentials.
Dr. Ron Rodgers RETA Accreditation Manager and Psychometrician Samantha Ibarra RETA Certification Coordinator
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