2024 Mar-Apr RETA Breeze

was an Australian. This is the first convention without Norman Register, known as the father of the organiza tion. Norman was one of the three ori- ginal members who met in Shreveport in 1909. Ill health prevented his travel. The conference featured some heavy weight presenters. Industry legends; Milton Arrowwood (published author), and the compressor gurus Thomas McKee and Henry Sloan. Kohler would be elected president. Nickelson would excerpt his influence on the organiza tion. The concept of a “Certificate member” would be born. If I could attend but one conference, of course I would choose the next one. But if you choose one from our history, this would certainly be a strong candidate. In contrast to today’s conference, bus- iness was normally conducted prior to the education sessions with elections for the following year, late in the program. The operation of the organi zation was so much different from today. Today the Board of Directors meet monthly, the Executive Commit tee (national officers) meet at least twice monthly(once as part of the Board meeting and once in an indepen dent meeting). But back at the time of

producing are perhaps first to realize its swiftness. As I look back, it seems only a few weeks since we greeted each other in Kansas City and you elected me as the pilot of your organization. When I accepted the position which you so graciously gave me, I well realized the task that was before me... I knew that the Association with its noble objects was destined to grow out of the bounds of the past, and into new fields, where the same great good was to be accomplished as had been in the section of the country where it received its birth. I realized that the purpose of the National Association of Practical Refrigerating Engineers were not only to promote good-fellowship among its members but, above all, to lead its members into the land of learning and thus better equip them in their profes sion. For the Association to function properly, it would necessarily require much effort on the part of each and every officer. I gladly accepted the task that was

the 1920 convention, the vast majority of business was conducted at conven tion, with the president running the organization between conferences. Officers and Committee chairs acted more independently. December 13th 1920. Morning Session President George E. Kloss called the morning session, as well as the conven tion, to order. Temporary officers were appointed; J. E. Lawrence would serve in place of Secretary Brewer, Frank S. Russel served in place of sergeant-at-arms Gray President George E. Kloss then presented his address: Members of the National Association of Practical Refrigerating Engineers, and guests, I greet you. We have come to another milestone in the history of our Association. Another year has gone, and we who have been busy

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