RETA Breeze Jul-Aug 2022
The RETA Breeze is the official publication of the Refrigerating
Engineers & Technicians Association (RETA). RETA is an international not- for-profit association whose mission is to enhance the professional development of industrial refrigeration operating and technical engineers. Don Chason Executive Editor 704-455-3551 Jim Barron Executive Director Sara Louber Senior Director, Office Operations Stephanie Date Marketing & Events Manager Dan Denton Chapter Relations Liaison Vince Grindel Education Coordinator The information in this publication is based on the collective experience of industry engineers and technicians. Although the information is intended to be comprehensive and thorough, it is subject to change. The Refrigerating Engineers & Technicians Association expressly disclaims any warranty of fitness for a particular application, as well as all claims for compensatory, consequential or other damages arising out of or related to the uses of this publication. Publication of advertisements in Breeze , or any other RETA publication, does not constitute endorsement of any products, services or advertisers by RETA and shall not be considered or represented by advertiser as such. Copyright © 2022 Refrigerating Engineers & Technicians Association.
Register TODAY to Attend a CARO, CIRO, CRST, or CRES Review Course at our 2022 National Conference
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Message FromThe President........... 4 Working Around Confined Spaces in your Facility................................... 6 Message From the Executive Director............................ 8 Call For Nominations Annual Awards ..................................... 9 Register TODAY Attend a CARO, CIRO, CRST, or CRES Review Course at our 2022 National Conference .......................................... 10 Don’t forget… A practice test is included with the CARO/ CIRO/CRST exam application fees. ....... 12 5 Reasons to Attend the RETA 2022 National Conference....................................... 14
RETA is pleased to announce two more RETA Authorized
Instructors (RAIs)!.......................... 16 RETA Authorized Instructor......... 17 ANAB Accredits the RETA Certified Refrigeration Service Technician (CRST) Certification Program...... 18 Epic Fails Time to Blow Off Some Steam, well, maybe Ammonia ........................ 20 Education Corner. .......................... 24 RETA Testing Corner No. 31 RETA is providing the tools ................. 26 The Shade Tree Mechanic volume XLXII ...................................... 29 Certification..................................... 30
REFRIGERATING ENGINEERS & TECHNICIANS ASSOCIATION 1725 Ferry St. SW, Albany, OR 97322 Telephone: 541.497.2955 | Fax: 541.497.2966 3
2021-22 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN Aer Teale, CARO, CRST Lineage Logistics PRESIDENT Keith Harper, CARO Tyson Foods Inc
EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Bengie Branham, CIRO, RAI SCS Engineers TREASURER Michael Hawkins, CARO Midatlantic Refrigeration, LLC SECOND VICE PRESIDENT David Gulcynski, CIRO Dot Foods Inc. DIRECTORS Alan Gervais, CARO, CIRO Western Precooling Systems Andrew Palomar, CARO APCCO Bill Lape, CARO, CIRO, CRST SCS Engineers Debbie Koske Calibration Technologies, Inc. Edward Johnson, CARO
TAKE ADVANTAGE OF RETA Don’t you hate that feeling you get when you believe that someone has taken advantage of you? You know what I’m talking about—you try to be nice and let one car pull out in front of you, and suddenly, its like someone threw the gate open. You try to give a co-worker a hand, then you realize they have walked away and left you to perform the task yourself. Taking advantage is not generally considered to be a desirable characteris- tic. Nevertheless, I am going to encour- age you to do just that. Go ahead, take advantage of RETA. Take advantage of RETA educational materials. RETA educational publications focus on topics relevant to our industry. They are publications that were written by select committees made up of people in our industry who have “been there and done that”. RETA publications are written by qualified end users, contractors, and manufacturing representatives. They contain information vital to properly performing jobs and tasks found in our industry, and they are updated on a regular schedule. If you have a desire to advance, or even just work safely in our industry, the correct course of action is to take advantage of RETA educational materials. Take advantage of RETA Certification opportunities. RETA Certifications carry with them the assurance of competency
Schwans Global Supply Chain, Inc. Gordon Rascoe, Jr, CIRO, CRST, RAI ConAgra Brands Jeff Lublin Kolbi Pipe Marker Co. JeremyMurfin AC & R Specialists Jim Kovarik Ricky Jimenez, CIRO Mericle Mechanical Inc Victor Dearman, Jr. Peco Foods, Inc COMMITTEE CHAIRS Certification: Lee Pyle, CARO SCS Tracer Environmental Education: Eric Girven, CIRO, CRST, RAI SCS Tracer Environmental Marketing: Dascha Whitmore Stellar Membership: Michael Hawkins, CARO Midatlantic Refrigeration, LLC National Conference: Jim Kovarik Gamma Graphics Services Publications: Ed Johnson, CARO Gamma Graphics Services Raymond Urban, CARO Lineage Logistics
Keith Harper, RETA National President
in relevant aspects of our industry. In our industry, only the RETA Certifications CARO and CIRO can boast accreditation from the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB). CRST is on track to achieve that distinction before the end of 2022. ANAB accreditation means that an organization in the business of setting standards, including scrutinizing education programs and assessing their effectiveness (the American National Standards Institute) given these Certifica- tions their stamp of approval. Certifica- tion is a word that gets thrown about a lot, but it doesn’t mean much without expert, independent, third-party affirmation. Because RETA Certifications have that, they open the door to opportunity. By all means, take advan- tage of RETA Certification opportunities. Take advantage of your local RETA Chapter. Local chapters are made up of individuals like you, who are passionate
Schwans Global Supply Chain Executive Director: Jim Barron
about the industry, and their place in it. Chapter leaders work diligently to organize meetings that serve the needs of their membership—including you. I have been to a number of different chapters’meetings in the past year and have always been glad I went. I have never been disappointed in the quality of the technical presentations, the food and just the fellowship. You can learn new things, catch up with old friends, and build your social network at RETA Chapter meetings. Most definitely—take advantage of your local RETA Chapter. If you don’t have a local RETA chapter, grab some of the people in your area who work in the
industry, and start one. It is not that difficult, and RETA HQ lends a lot of support. Which leads me to this advice: take advantage of RETA Headquarters. Got a question about RETA? Call RETA HQ. Someone always answers the phone, and you will be quickly routed to a living, breathing person who can provide answers and assistance. Take advantage of them. Take advantage of the opportunity to attend RETA National Conference this year in Reno, Nevada. Everything about RETA is available at National Conference. There will
be educational opportunities, opportuni- ties to sit for certification exams, support and encouragement for chapter leadership as well as all of the folks from RETA HQ. If you have taken my advice and called the RETA HQ, you get the opportunity to put a face with the name. So hit the RETA website and sign up for the 2022 National Conference. Take advantage of RETA!
Keith Harper RETA National President 5
The definition of a confined space is a space that meets all three of the criteria below: 1. It is large enough and so configured that a person can bodily enter the space and conduct work. 2. It has a limited or restricted means of entry or exit. 3. It is not designed for continuous occupancy. Some examples of confined spaces in our workplaces are tanks, storage bins, condens- ers, oil separators, tunnels, crawl spaces, vessels and silos. These confined spaces must be clearly identified by a sign or label placed near the space as a Permit Required Confined Space or a Non-Permit Confined Space. A permit required confined space is a space that meets any of the criteria listed below: 1. Has an engulfment hazard, such as a silo used to store dry ingredients. 2. Contains, or has the potential to contain, a hazardous atmosphere. 3. The internal configuration of the space could allow someone to be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor which slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross-section. 4. Contains, or could potentially contain, any other recognized safety or health hazard.
If a space contains, or could potentially contain, a hazardous atmosphere then pre-entry testing must be conducted. Periodic testing (every 30 minutes) must also be conducted for the duration of the work when someone is inside of the space. Typically, the most common type of hazard is a hazardous atmosphere. A hazardous atmo- sphere is an atmosphere that may expose employees to the risk of death, incapacitation, impairment of ability to self-rescue (that is, escape unaided from a permit space), injury, acute illness or is immediately dangerous to life and health. Refrigeration Technicians should consider testing for these hazards prior to entering a confined space: 1. NH3 liquid or vapor 2. Oxygen levels between 19.5 and 23.5 percent (O2) 3. Lower explosive limits (LEL) of any highly combustible liquid or vapor
Most workplaces in use today have confined spaces. Since these confined spaces can cause serious or death, it is important to know how to recognize them and how to work safely when required to enter one. From 2011 to 2018, 1,030 workers died due to a confined space incident.
4. Carbon Monoxide (CO) 5. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
Ensure your facility has a calibrated 4 gas meter and a calibrated NH3 hand-held tester for use during confined space maintenance tasks. In the next issue of The Breeze I will discuss how a confined space entry team is organized, and the duties of each of these persons.
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RETA_Breeze_2021_04_April_half page.indd 1 7 4/29/2021 10:43:44 AM
Hello RETA Family, Well, it’s that time of year again. We here at RETA HQ are preparing for the upcoming Annual National Conference, which will be held this year at the Peppermill Casino resort in Reno, Nevada November 8–11. As always, RETA’s main emphasis is training and education. Our main goal this year is to provide training and education to anyone who is associated with, or working in, the refrigeration industry. You won’t want to miss our hand’s on training, manufacturing sessions, hot points, technical topics, and workships including Line Opening Procedures for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems, Optimizing Your Remote PHA Experience, and many more. Please see the RETA website Schedule for all the classes and Hot points this year. The exhibit hall space is fully optimized with a minimum of 130 vendor booths and 5 islands this year. The booths will feature a wide range of exhibitor categories ready to talk about new and existing products, training opportunities, and much much more. We are providing some really exciting social and net- working events in Reno including an evening out at the world famous National Automobile Museum. Casino magnate Bill Harrah started collecting cars back in the 1950s and today this museum features many one of a kind cars including a 1907 Thomas Flyer, Elvis’ 1973 Eldorado, Frank Sinatra’s Ghia, JFK’s Lincoln Continental, and other show-stoppers like a Bugatti, a gold-plated DeLorean and the only surviving prototype of Buck- minster Fuller’s Dymaxion project. What we are offering is just a taste of Reno because there is so much more to do in “the biggest little city in the world” than we could fit in our program. But what we do have planned, we hope you’ll enjoy. Unfortunately we cannot predict the weather this time of year in Reno so there will not be a golf outing this year, however, we have substituted bowling as a brand new networking event! We’re all set if the weather does happen to take a turn as you can continue to enjoy the RETA After Hours Lounge and a fun Casino Night directly after the Awards Banquet. There are also some fine restaurants at the Peppermill and Downtown Reno for your enjoyment.
And, of course, this Conference wouldn’t be complete without our Review Courses taking place from November 5-7 and the RETA certification examinations taking place on November 8 and 9. Come for a review course, take the exam, and stay for the Conference! This year we would like to encourage as many people as possible to attend the Conference because there is truly something for everyone. Whether you are a facility manager, maintenance supervisor, main- tenance or service technician, contractor, or design engineer, you are welcome—everyone will benefit from this year’s program. So take advantage of the early bird registration discount and get registered today! On a different note, the Certified Refrigeration Service Technician (CRST) exam is well underway to receiving the ANSI/ANAB accreditation. Our ANSI/ANAB assessors have recommended it to PCAC for Approval. We should have our CRST exam accredited by the end of the year. We are looking for volunteers for all committees. This includes Certification, Education, Conference, Pub- lications and Marketing. Please step up and let’s keep RETA at the top in our industry. We’re also always on the lookout for future board and committee chairs, so if your interested please let me know at Please be safe and God Bless each of you!
Jim Barron RETA Executive Director
Kim Snowden Award Honors an individual, company, or organization who promotes the furthering of women within the refrigeration industry. This could include, but is not limited to: • Individuals who have promoted women in the refrigeration industry throughout their career; • Individual women, who, by standing out and taking on leadership roles have indirectly inspired other women to pursue careers within this field; or • Companies that have encouraged and provided opportunities for women within their organization
The following awards will be given out at the annual Conference in Reno, Nevada this November. They are named in honor of past RETA members who exemplified a specific strength that benefitted the RETA membership and our industry either through teaching or leadership or service. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS ANNUAL AWARDS Identify who that special RETA person is and jot down some reasons you think they should be honored. Send this nomination and the supporting documentation to the Executive Director Jim Barron by email to jim@reta. com or submit it online at www. Nominations must be received by September 30, 2022 in order to give the awards committee adequate time to consider the nominations.
Venneman Award Recognizes an outstanding RETA member for a career marked by leadership and service to the profession and the organization.
Elliott R. Hallowell Award Honors the member whose record of service to RETA for the current year merits special recognition and reward.
Guy R. King Memorial Award Recognizes outstanding job performances in education and training of members nationally and locally.
Felix Anderson Award Recognizes two individuals who have worked behind the scenes at the Chapter level and who are not on the national Board. 9
All review courses are taught by RETA
Each course includes a three-day educational program, handouts/speaker materials, RETA coursebook(s) listed in class description (shipped to you prior to Conference), 24 PDH credits, and lunch each day.
Authorized Instructors!
Certified Assistant Refrigeration Operator (CARO) is designed for new operators who demonstrate entry-level knowledge that qualifies them to work under supervision in industrial plants and facilities. Course includes Industrial Refrigeration I. November 5-7, 2022 - $710 (member), $940 (non-member) Certified Industrial Refrigeration Operator (CIRO) is designed to assess more advanced concepts, principles, and applications required to supervise industrial refrigeration operators. A minimum of two year’s machine room experience is required. Course includes Industrial Refrigeration I, Industrial Refrigeration II, and Basic Electricity II. November 5-7, 2022 - $750 (member), $980 (non-member) Certified Refrigeration Service Technician (CRST) is designed for technicians and support personnel who troubleshoot and maintain industrial refrigeration plants and facilities. The credential addresses topics from advanced levels of plant safety and operations through the basics of ammonia refrigeration compliance and PSM requirements. A CARO or CIRO credential or at least four years of progressively responsible experience in industrial refrigeration is required. Course includes the Ammonia Refrigeration Compliance Guideline and Industrial Refrigeration III. November 5-7, 2022 - $760 (member), $990 (non-member) Certified Refrigeration Energy Specialist (CRES) is designed to assess mastery of refrigeration system operations and energy management strategies. While no other RETA credentials are required to qualify for the CRES credential, CRES candidates do need to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of refrigeration operations to offer energy management strategies without compromising the safety or integrity of refrigeration systems. Course includes the RETA Energy Efficiency Handbook. November 5-7, 2022 - $635 (member), $865 (non-member)
Train the Trainer Course is focused on training adults in hands-on operations and technical skills and its application is designed to benefit employees that are asked to design and/or deliver training in the workplace. Participants identify the learning needs of adults, how to plan, develop, and implement different types of training, and how to deliver and assess the success of the training. November 5-7, 2022 - $1,300 (member), $1,800 (non-member) Take advantage of the opportunity to sit for the exam following the review course at the Conference while the information is still fresh in your mind. How convenient! RETA certification exams are accredited by ANSI (American National Standards Institute), which requires that they are continually scrutinized by an organization whose sole mission is to establish, maintain and assure that the highest industry standards are set and met in a continuous and ongoing basis. ANSI is certainly recognized and often highly regarded by regulatory agencies such as EPA and OSHA in the establishment and maintenance of the highest industrial and safety benchmarks.
RETA-certified operators must meet high standards for industrial refrigeration training and knowledge. RETA offers the following credentials and training opportunities for refrigeration industry operators and other professionals. A completed exam application with payment is required. This fee is separate from the review course registration fee and the Conference registration fee. The applications are located in the certification handbooks on our website You may also contact RETA HQ at 541-497- 2955 or email to request one today. Reservations for exam seats are scheduled in the order the payment is received. Currently, we have openings on November 8th or 9th at 8am or 1pm. Don’t wait! Get your application and payment turned in today! Contact for more information. 11
The practice test takes about half as long as the full three hour exam. The questions cover the topics in the full exam, but the questions are retired and will never be included in the current exam. A score report is emailed to you upon completion of the test. The questions in the practice test remain the same regardless of how many times you take the practice exam for that level of certification. If you purchase more than one practice exam, the questions do not change. Practice tests are NOT included with a retest application, but they can be purchased for $59 in our online store. Once your exam application is paid and processed, you will receive a link to log into Webassessor as well as confirmation that the practice test has been set up. How do I access my practice test? To access the practice test, follow the instructions from the email. Once logged into Webassessor you will see the below screen. Click on “my assessments”. You will then see the practice test under your scheduled assessments. Click on LAUNCH to begin the test. If you did not receive the link to the login, or have questions, please email
12 13
By Stephanie Date, RETA Marketing & Events Manager REASONS TO ATTEND THE RETA 2022 NATIONAL CONFERENCE 5
The RETA 2022 National Conference represents the best of the best in the Industrial Refrigeration Industry. Attending RETA 2022, will broaden your network, promote deeper understanding, uncover new learnings, and reinforce existing best practices. Not to mention, a ton of fun! #1 Network Development According to, 85% of professionals believe that meeting FACE-TO-FACE builds more meaningful, strong business relationships. It goes without saying that a large-scale RETA Conference is the perfect opportunity to expand your network through finding potential new leads, mentors, and collaborators in refrigeration. Don’t rely on just planned sessions to build your network. Networking takes many forms, so go the extra. Arrive early to take part of pre-conference activities such as out Latent Heat of Bowling at Grand Sierra Resort Casino, and our Monday Night Out Event at the National Automobile Museum Use the conference app (CrowdCompass) to connect with attendees. Seek out conference networking and social events, like the RETA After Hours where you can relax, play games, and have a good time networking. #2 Knowledge & PDH The best thing about attending the RETA National Conference is the wide array of forms in which knowledge is offered though many difference styles of with hundreds of historical vehicles including the Harrah’s Collection!
presentations. This makes earning your PDH simple. Look for:
• Workshops • Manufacturer Sessions • Hands-On Sessions • Technical Topics • Hot Point Sessions
Beware OF HOTEL POACHERS The Peppermill Resort Spa Casino is the ONLY contracted hotel for the 2022 RETA National Conference. Room poaching is a practice carried out by third-party companies that act as travel agencies. These poachers may inform you that the hotel room block is sold out or offer a discounted rate. This is not true. We have been made aware of solicitations to the 2022 RETA National Conference from convention housing bureaus offering reduced hotel rates. These housing companies are known as Hotel Poachers or Hotel Pirates. They are NOT affiliated with the 2022 RETA National Conference or the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino. How hotel poachers book rooms and attempt to get your money: Most poaching agencies do not have a contract with any hotels for room blocks they will contact a housing wholesaler, such as Expedia, Priceline, etc. to see if rooms are available that they can mark up to resell to unsuspecting guests and typically, want your money upfront, paid in full. DON’T BE MISLED! **There are NO 3rd party housing companies authorized to represent RETA or the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino.
#3 Meet Industry Experts & Influencers You will meet and listen to numerous experts and influencers within the RETA Family. Building a relationship with these individuals can be incredibly beneficial. Ask questions and receive advice from the experts in the field. #4 Speak Out About Your Business The RETA Conference is the perfect platform to speak publicly about your own business or the business you work for. Refining skills, generate interest, all while building your brand and expanding your reputation. Refrigerating Engineer, Technician, and Operator is through their belly. Come learn, eat, drink and laugh with like- minded people… like you! So, let’s recap… attending RETA 2022 will not only educate you about different and changing aspects of the industry, develop your knowledge and PDH, get questions answered by experts, build company branding, expand your network, but feeds your belly alongside hundreds — if not thousands — of people within the Industrial Refrigeration Industry that are worth knowing. #5 Have Fun! At RETA, we know the way to a
See you in Reno, Nevada! Stephanie Date RETA Conference Manager 15
Please join us in congratulating Brandon and Mark on their achievements
Bengie Branham SCS Engineers Mark Carlyle SCS Engineers Zachary Clasbey CSI of Virginia, Inc. Dan Connelly Wagner-Meinert, LLC Daryl Davis SCS Engineers Gene Dumas SCS Engineers Brandon Gillott APCCO Eric Girven SCS Engineers Chris Harmon Industrial Consultants
Ken Johnson Innovative Refrigeration Systems, Inc Greg Jourdan Wenatchee Valley College James Sr Price
Michael Schreck PSIG, Inc John Sherrill Wagner-Meinert, LLC Jeff Sloan Wagner-Meinert, LLC Don Tragethon Jay Voissem Cargill GEOS HarryWilkins RETA JeremyWilliams Ammonia Refrigeration Training Solutions Western Precooling Systems
Mark Carlyle passed his RAI exam on July 31, 2022.
Independent Contractor Jamey Price Preston Refrigeration Larry Qualls Modesto Technical College Tyler Ramos Preston Refrigeration Gordon Rascoe Jr Conagra Brands Jordan Reece Lanier Technical College Vern Sanderson Schwan’s
Brandon Gillott passed his RAI exam on June 25, 2022.
A RETA Authorized Instructor (RAI) is designed to assess the mastery of ad- vanced refrigeration system concepts and operations at a level that qualifies a candidate to assist prospective CARO, CIRO, CRES, and CRST candidates with their preparations and activities required to earn RETA credentials. RAI candidates must demonstrate both teaching experience and knowledge of the content in all RETA publications that are designed to prepare operators and others to meet RETA certification requirements An RAI provides high-quality training focusing on safety and the improvement of operational and maintenance competency in the industrial refrigeration environment. What are a few benefits for an RAI? • RAIs are nationally recognized as qualified providers of industrial refrigeration instruction and/or training to the industrial refrigeration industry. • RAIs will receive recognition in RETA communications and will thus gain national exposure to a wide market as providers of training to the industrial refrigeration industry. • RETA books and materials are sold to RAIs at a discounted rate. If you are interested in learning more about RAIs or would like to apply, refer to the RAI handbook located on our website. https://
Candidates must meet the requirements listed in the handbook. If you have any questions, please contact certification@ Train the Trainer Course All RAI applicants must complete a RETA approved Train the Trainer Course. A course is scheduled at our 2022 National Confer- ence in Reno, NV. The course is not just for RAIs! It is designed to benefit employees that are being asked to design and/or deliver training in the workplace. Partici- pants learn about the learning needs of adults, planning and developing different types of training, delivering, and assessing the success of the training. Register today to attend the course at Conference! For more information about the Train the Trainer course, follow the link below or contact RETA HQ 541-497-2955. 17
HOW DOES RETA BENEFIT FROM HAVING ACCREDITED CERTIFICATIONS? This provides independent, objective evidence that RETA certification programs operate at the highest level of ethical, legal, and technical stands, and it ensures that certification bodies providing certification schemes for persons operate in a consistent, comparable, and reliable manner according to international standards. RETA’s ANAB accreditation assures to its members and industry that those who meet requirements to earn RETA credentials have met an established competence level to operate ammonia refrigeration systems in a safe and efficient manner. ABOUT ISO/IEC 17024:2012 The international Standard ISO/IEC 17024:2012 Conformity assessment– provides a global benchmark for quality certification. During recent years, this standard, developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which represents members from 162 countries has changed the way certifications are offered and has harmonized expectations for what constitutes quality certifications throughout the world. This standard was developed by ISO based on the need for public protection by establishing that individuals have the required competencies to perform their job. Government agencies worldwide have recognized the standard as a critical requirement for personnel certification bodies that offer certification in many industries including diverse and critical areas related to public health, environment, and national security. ABOUT ANAB The ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB), a wholly owned subsidiary of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), is the largest multi- disciplinary ISO/IEC 17011 accreditation body in North America, with General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons,
RETA is excited to announce that the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) formally issued Accreditation to the RETA Certified Refrigeration Service Technician (CRST) certification for meeting the requirements of ISO/IEC 17024:2012, as well as ANAB’s own accreditation requirements. CRST now joins the ranks of the RETA Certified Assistant Refrigeration Operator (CARO), and the RETA Certified Industrial Refrigeration Operator (CIRO) certifications. These three certification programs are now the only Ammonia Refrigeration certification exams that are accredited by ANSI/ANAB. “RETA is pleased to set the highest
standard for certification, skill and safety in our industry,” said James Barron, RETA Executive Director. “ANAB accreditation holds RETA accountable to our members and ensures they have an added level of confidence as they become certified in the industrial refrigeration industry.” RETA is fully committed to maintaining the fairness, impartiality, validity and integrity of all RETA certification programs. RETA policies and procedures are designed to assure that all decisions about certifying every candidate are based solely on the candidate’s qualifications and performance on RETA examinations and other certification- related activities.
comprehensive signatory status across the multilateral recognition arrangements of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). The ANAB accreditation portfolio includes management systems certification bodies, calibration and testing labs, product certification bodies, personnel credentialing organizations, forensic test and calibration service providers, inspection bodies, police crime units, greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies, reference material producers, and proficiency test providers. ABOUT ANSI The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private non-profit organization whose mission is to
enhance both the global competitiveness of U.S. business and the U.S. quality of life by promoting and facilitating voluntary consensus standards and conformity assessment systems, and safeguarding their integrity. Its membership is comprised of businesses, professional societies and trade associations, standards developers, government agencies, and consumer and labor organizations. The Institute represents and serves the diverse interests of more than 270,000 companies and organizations and 30 million professionals worldwide. ANSI is the official U.S. representative to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and, via the U.S. National Committee, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
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By Bill Lape, SCS Engineers
Prior to IIAR2-2014, previous editions of IIAR2 recommended that atmospheric relief discharges be directed upwards. With the publication of the 2014 edition in 2015, the language was changed to be a normative requirement. *The termination of the discharge shall be directed upward and arranged to avoid spraying ammonia on persons in the vicinity. While it seems to be a straightforward requirement, it does offer multiple challenges, not the least of which is, “How do we keep rain and/or snow from directed upwards, there is no guard in place to prevent rainwater from running down the inside of the discharge piping, and while there is a drip leg installed, it is of minimal length and will fill up frequently, particularly during heacy rain. Another requirement of IIAR2 is that atmospheric relief discharges be located a minimum distance from air intakes to the facility. The termination of discharge piping relieving to atmosphere shall be not less than 15 ft (4.6 m) above grade and not less than 20 ft (6.1 m) from windows, doors, and ventilation intakes. In Picture 2 , we see that the relief discharge is not more than 20 ft from the air intake, as required by IIAR2. entering the discharge piping?” In Picture 1, while the discharge is
Picture 1
The truck flapper style discharge as shown in Picture 2 is a popular choice for preventing rain and snow from entering the discharge piping, it is a poor choice in areas prone to freezing rain and sleet. When the flapper and the discharge pipe become coated in ice, it will fail to open, thus failing to relieve an overpressure situation, possibly resulting in equipment damage, an ammonia release, and injury, possibly even death of an employee.
Some facilities choose to use a “sock” style cover on the upward discharge to prevent rain and snow from entering the piping. An example of this style is shown in Picture 3 . There are a couple of problems inherent with this style of discharge cover. First, the majority of them are made of coated nylon that is designed to shed water, but is not waterproof. If this style of cover is used on large diameter discharge pipes, water will pool on the
Picture 2
top of the sock where is suspended over the end of the pipe. This pooling water will eventually soak through into the discharge pipe, thus causing it to fail in its primary purpose. Another potential issue is if this sort of discharge cover is installed on discharge headers that are over 7-1/4 feet high, it will be difficult to reinstall the sock should it pop off of the pipe, and if the discharge header is not equipped with an ammonia detector, it may be days before the sock is observed to be off of the header. Pictures 4 & 5 highlight this scenario. Another issue that often rears its ugly head is the placement of the discharge relative to a working platform, such as a condenser. IIAR2 states: 15.5.l.4 Discharge piping shall terminate at not less than 7.25 ft (2.2 m) above platform surfaces, such as upper condenser catwalks, when the discharge is within 20 ft. (6.1 m) horizontal distance to the platform surface. In Picture 6, The discharge header is exactly 7-1/4 ft above the condenser
Picture 4
Picture 3
Picture 5 21
catwalk, but the forced draft condenser is several feet higher than the catwalk. While IIAR2, specifically mentions the condenser catwalks as an example of a working platform, some regulatory officials consider the top of the condenser to be the working platform height. When the water distribution nozzles are services, the mist eliminators are removed and boards are typically laid across the top of the condenser, thus creating a “working platform.” Keep this in mind when installing or upgrading relief headers. The cost of an extra few feet of pipe is small compared to regulatory fines. Another requirement for discharge height is found in Section of IIAR2. The discharge termination from piping relieving to atmosphere shall not be less than 7.25 ft (2.2 m) above a roof Where a higher adjacent roof level is within 20 ft (6.1 m) horizontal distance from the relief discharge, the discharge tem1ination shall not be less than 7 .25 ft (2.2 m) above the height of the higher adjacent roof. Pictures 7 & 8 show some instances where this requirement is not met. In Picture 7, the downward discharge is less than 2 feet above the roof. In Picture 8, the relief discharge is only a few feet above grade, and is well below the adjacent roofline. Moving on to maintenance of the relief valves. IIAR6-2019 states: 13.1.1 All pressure relief valves (PRYs) that relieve to atmosphere shall be recertified or replaced on the 5-year time-based frequency. While there are many ways to track the replacement dates, the most commonly used method is to punch the appropriate month and year on the attached install/replace tag on the SRV when it is installed. Picture 9: No Punches Note that IIAR6 does address a lack of punches:
Picture 7
Picture 6
Picture 8
Picture 9: No Punches The service life of the PRV shall not exceed 5 years of service after it is installed on the system. Where the PRV Date Tag was not punched during installation, and PRV records do not indicate the installation date, then the worst-case installation date on the PRY Date Tag is assumed and shall be punched upon inspection. However, as in the case of Picture 10 , if no tags are on the relief valve and there is no additional record of installation, then the PRV must be assumed to be overdue for replacement.
Picture 10: No Tags
Bill Lape is Project Director for SCS Engineers. Bill is a Certified Industrial Refrigeration Operator, a Certified Refrigeration Service Technician, and a member of the National Board of Directors of the Refrigerating Engineers and Technicians Association.
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The RETA Education Committee is pleased to announce the long- anticipated release of the newly revised and updated Basic Electricity 2 – Ladder Diagrams. Originally published in 1986 as a 70-page booklet, which still makes up the bones of the text, BE-2 was revised and updated in 2006 and for 2022 has been updated, revised, and expanded to the current 314 pages of useful information it is today, including technology not yet invented in 1986. Comments from RETA members who have seen the work that has gone into this edition of BE-2 are saying: ….“The work you and team have done to update this book is outstanding. I’m not strong in electrical or electronics, but I can say that the revisions have made it easier for “even a guy like me”
to understand (I wish it were like this when I took the course years ago-may have gotten a C+ then). I’d say publish it as is and deal with any feedback/ correction recommendations as they come up. It is so much better, congrats on a job well done!” — …. “To all. I have been teaching electrical classes for 30 years. The last two weeks teaching IR2, Arch Flash and electrical safety and using my electrical books I developed. As the old RETA electrical books were not up to the level of detail, I felt they needed. I reviewed and showed the previous draft sent out a week or two ago to the class. Asked their opinion of same. They scheduled a class later this year after reviewing. Dang the RETA team nailed it as I knew y’all would. Thank you all for putting so much time and effort into this revision. It’s
awesome. I will be putting my books to rest and using the BE2 moving forward. Be safe out there and keep pushing on. (REO Speed wagon) Ya most of u yungins won’t get it. We do need to laugh once in a while. Have a good day”. — BE-2 rev.2022 Is available now from your RETA Bookstore. I want to personally thank everyone who participated in this project. Next up on our radar is the 2022 revision of: • IR-3 — (Plant maintenance and related items) • PSM/RMP Compliance. If you are interested in participating in the review process on either of these projects, PLEASE contact:
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RETA IS PROVIDING THE TOOLS Dr. Ron Rodgers, RETA’s Psychometrician (testing expert) and ANSI Accreditation Manager
RETA provides many tools to help candidates earn CARO, CIRO or CRST credentials. This begins with books that support these exams. RETA study guides, practice tests and score reports also are designed to help candidates earn these credentials. RETA’s goal is to protect the health and safety of industrial refrigeration system operators, all personnel in the facilities where they work, and the public.
RETA has created a library of resources to promote safe and efficient operations of industrial refrigeration facilities. The table below shows how these RETA books support CARO, CIRO and CRST.
RETA Books that Support CARO, CIRO and CRST
Industrial Refrigeration Book 1 (IR-1) Industrial Refrigeration Book 2 (IR-2) Industrial Refrigeration Book 3 (IR-3) Industrial Refrigeration Book 4 (IR-4) Basic Electricity 1 (BE-1) Basic Electricity 2 – Ladder Diagrams (BE-2) RETA Ammonia Refrigeration Compliance Guidelines RETA CO2 Handbook
RETA’s CO2 Handbook was added to CRST references starting with new CRST exams that were launched in August 2022. CARO, CIRO and CRST Study Guides can be downloaded free from the certification section of the RETA website. Each RETA Study Guide includes: • A list of RETA reference books that support questions in that examination. • Formulas, tables, figures and other information that can help candidates answer questions during each test, including an Ammonia Safety Data Sheet (SDS). These also appear onscreen next to questions during each examination.
candidates know when to refer to these references instead of trying to memorize details in the SDS. RETA recommends that candidates should become as familiar with these references as they are with manuals that support equipment in the refrigeration facilities where they work. CARO, CIRO and CRST Practice Tests can help candidates prepare for full RETA tests. One attempt on their practice test is included in each candidate’s application fee. Candidates can purchase additional attempts on these practice tests for $59 each. Each practice test has a time limit of 90 minutes and is about half as long as the full CARO, CIRO or CRST exam. Three hours are allowed for each full exam. Practice tests include questions from each of the content areas that are part of the full exam. RETA’s Certification Committee (CertComm) has validated each question to meet the same criteria as those in the full exams. Practice test questions cover the topics in full CARO, CIRO or CRST exams but practice questions do not appear in the full exams.
CIRO Scores 1
CIRO Scores 1
Scored CIRO Questions by Content Area
63% 61% 78% 63% 73% 73% 61% 77% 69%
85% 75% 74% 84% 80% 68% 84% 77% 81%
1. Safety Standards & Practices
2. Electricity 3. Heat Flow
4. Monitoring System Performance 5. Valves, Controls & DX Systems 6. Liquid Overfeed & Flooded Systems 7. Two-Stage & Secondary Coolant Systems
8. Evaporator Defrost
Total Score
• Instructions for how to increase the size of the onscreen references to improve clarity and how to navigate in the split screen next to questions on each test. CIRO and CRST Study Guides also include screens that show normal and abnormal operating conditions in refrigeration systems. Questions on each test ask candidates to evaluate what is going on at different points in a system, identify risks that could lead to problems, and recom- mend steps to troubleshoot and resolve hazards that could occur based on what they see in each system.
Each Study Guide also offers guidance about how to use references to help prepare for full RETA exams. The same references also appear next to questions for each practice test, which can help candidates learn when and how to use these references. Candidates must decide when to refer to CARO, CIRO or CRST reference during each exam. For example, answers to some safety questions in each test are provided in the SDS. RETA prefers that 27
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