RETA Breeze Jul-Aug 2022


A RETA Authorized Instructor (RAI) is designed to assess the mastery of ad- vanced refrigeration system concepts and operations at a level that qualifies a candidate to assist prospective CARO, CIRO, CRES, and CRST candidates with their preparations and activities required to earn RETA credentials. RAI candidates must demonstrate both teaching experience and knowledge of the content in all RETA publications that are designed to prepare operators and others to meet RETA certification requirements An RAI provides high-quality training focusing on safety and the improvement of operational and maintenance competency in the industrial refrigeration environment. What are a few benefits for an RAI? • RAIs are nationally recognized as qualified providers of industrial refrigeration instruction and/or training to the industrial refrigeration industry. • RAIs will receive recognition in RETA communications and will thus gain national exposure to a wide market as providers of training to the industrial refrigeration industry. • RETA books and materials are sold to RAIs at a discounted rate. If you are interested in learning more about RAIs or would like to apply, refer to the RAI handbook located on our website. https://

Candidates must meet the requirements listed in the handbook. If you have any questions, please contact certification@ Train the Trainer Course All RAI applicants must complete a RETA approved Train the Trainer Course. A course is scheduled at our 2022 National Confer- ence in Reno, NV. The course is not just for RAIs! It is designed to benefit employees that are being asked to design and/or deliver training in the workplace. Partici- pants learn about the learning needs of adults, planning and developing different types of training, delivering, and assessing the success of the training. Register today to attend the course at Conference! For more information about the Train the Trainer course, follow the link below or contact RETA HQ 541-497-2955. 17

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