RETA Breeze Jul-Aug 2022

2021-22 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN Aer Teale, CARO, CRST Lineage Logistics PRESIDENT Keith Harper, CARO Tyson Foods Inc


EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Bengie Branham, CIRO, RAI SCS Engineers TREASURER Michael Hawkins, CARO Midatlantic Refrigeration, LLC SECOND VICE PRESIDENT David Gulcynski, CIRO Dot Foods Inc. DIRECTORS Alan Gervais, CARO, CIRO Western Precooling Systems Andrew Palomar, CARO APCCO Bill Lape, CARO, CIRO, CRST SCS Engineers Debbie Koske Calibration Technologies, Inc. Edward Johnson, CARO

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF RETA Don’t you hate that feeling you get when you believe that someone has taken advantage of you? You know what I’m talking about—you try to be nice and let one car pull out in front of you, and suddenly, its like someone threw the gate open. You try to give a co-worker a hand, then you realize they have walked away and left you to perform the task yourself. Taking advantage is not generally considered to be a desirable characteris- tic. Nevertheless, I am going to encour- age you to do just that. Go ahead, take advantage of RETA. Take advantage of RETA educational materials. RETA educational publications focus on topics relevant to our industry. They are publications that were written by select committees made up of people in our industry who have “been there and done that”. RETA publications are written by qualified end users, contractors, and manufacturing representatives. They contain information vital to properly performing jobs and tasks found in our industry, and they are updated on a regular schedule. If you have a desire to advance, or even just work safely in our industry, the correct course of action is to take advantage of RETA educational materials. Take advantage of RETA Certification opportunities. RETA Certifications carry with them the assurance of competency

Schwans Global Supply Chain, Inc. Gordon Rascoe, Jr, CIRO, CRST, RAI ConAgra Brands Jeff Lublin Kolbi Pipe Marker Co. JeremyMurfin AC & R Specialists Jim Kovarik Ricky Jimenez, CIRO Mericle Mechanical Inc Victor Dearman, Jr. Peco Foods, Inc COMMITTEE CHAIRS Certification: Lee Pyle, CARO SCS Tracer Environmental Education: Eric Girven, CIRO, CRST, RAI SCS Tracer Environmental Marketing: Dascha Whitmore Stellar Membership: Michael Hawkins, CARO Midatlantic Refrigeration, LLC National Conference: Jim Kovarik Gamma Graphics Services Publications: Ed Johnson, CARO Gamma Graphics Services Raymond Urban, CARO Lineage Logistics

Keith Harper, RETA National President

in relevant aspects of our industry. In our industry, only the RETA Certifications CARO and CIRO can boast accreditation from the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB). CRST is on track to achieve that distinction before the end of 2022. ANAB accreditation means that an organization in the business of setting standards, including scrutinizing education programs and assessing their effectiveness (the American National Standards Institute) given these Certifica- tions their stamp of approval. Certifica- tion is a word that gets thrown about a lot, but it doesn’t mean much without expert, independent, third-party affirmation. Because RETA Certifications have that, they open the door to opportunity. By all means, take advan- tage of RETA Certification opportunities. Take advantage of your local RETA Chapter. Local chapters are made up of individuals like you, who are passionate

Schwans Global Supply Chain Executive Director: Jim Barron


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