RETA Breeze July-Aug 2024
EARN RETA CREDENTIALS AT THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE Dr. Ron Rodgers, RETA’s Psychometrician (testing expert) and ANSI Accreditation Manager
Two of the most effective ways for candidates to earn RETA credentials have been to complete a review class, then take their examination at the RETA Annual Conference. Over 80 RETA candidates have earned RETA credentials in the past three years after participating in review classes and/or testing at RETA annual conferences. This tradition started at the RETA Annual Conference in Monterey, CA in 2008.
All review classes at the annual confer ence are taught by RETA Authorized Instructors (RAIs). RAIs must present evidence of experience teaching in- dustrial refrigeration to become an RAI. Their recertification also requires evalu- ations from candidates they have trained to assess the quality of their instruction. RAIs must demonstrate their skills teaching refrigeration to adults in a Train the Trainer course or comparable experience.
Candidates must do their part by studying relevant references and materials BEFORE they arrive for a review class. Candidates who see complex industrial refrigeration concepts for the first time DURING a three- day review class are unlikely to earn a credential on the first try. Online training also may not be sufficient for some can- didates to master the challenging content required to earn CARO, CIRO or CRST.
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