2021 RETA Breeze Nov/Dec
Stephanie Date, Marketing & Events Manager We have started Conference planning early for success
Wow…what an experience I had for my first RETA Conference! At the time of Conference, I had been with RETA for seven months. During that time, I received many encouraging comments about this “RETA FAMILY”. Everyone one was absolutely correct! I couldn’t have felt more at home and welcomed into this family, than if I was with my home state of Arkansas! Gene Dumas… have you figured out if we’re kin yet? The support of the Board of Directors, RETA Staff, Volunteers, Sponsors, Exhibitors and
Attendees was the key component to the success of the Conference. I thank you for the help and patience you showed during my first RETA Conference experience. I am looking forward to planning our upcoming 2022 RETA National Conference in Reno, Nevada on November 8th-11th. Visit our website and check out the photos from the 2021 RETA National Conference.
considering the last couple of years! Our first week back at RETA Headquarters we sent out a survey which I hope you all were able to complete. We heard what you had to say, and we plan to address your comments. On December 7, 2021, we had our first of many Conference Planning Committee meetings for 2022. We have already started to plan and prepare for our next Conference and here are a few things we are currently working on: • Quality time/ hours in Exhibit Hall • Engaged traffic in the Exhibit Hall • Scheduling of Sessions, Events, etc.
Go to www.reta.com. Hover over Community, then select Gallery.
Now let’s get to business! During our 2021 National RETA Conference we had 788 participants! That is truly a fantastic number
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