2021 RETA Breeze Nov/Dec

not get the bid because they are realistic with their timeline. I vividly remember a conversation from my youth, where the foreman commented “There’s no way this one’s getting done on time. We’ll lose the last payment. But maybe the lawyers can negotiate a settlement to get part of it back.” No No NO! To be significant the penalty has to hurt. If the contractor is willing to pay it, it won’t guarantee your completion. The facility needs to be realistic in their goals as well. Understand that there are things that they can do to help get the project complete on time. Tie-in windows immediately come to mind. Many times, a Thursday midnight pumpout turns into a Friday afternoon pumpout. Remember if the crews have to wait around for 12 hours, you’ve lost a day. You can have the crews in the service trucks for 12 hours and then expect them to work 16. That’s how accidents happen. In short work with your contractors to make the project successful. A completion guarantee cannot makeup for poor planning. The completion guarantee may under the best of circumstances, reserve your place in the contractor’s schedule. The guarantee cannot makeup time, or magically get materials. If the contractor is reputable, they are already doing what they can do to make the project successful. It can only guarantee that the contractor doesn’t put someone ahead of you. If there is a guarantee of completion, should there be a bonus for completion ahead of time? Something to think about. Maybe it’s better to lead your contractors with a carrot (early completion bonus) instead of a stick (completion guarantee). Ultimately completion guarantees may be guarantee of a successful job than a good relationship between the facility and a reputable contractor. VernM. Sanderson RAI, CRST, CIRO Safety Services Group Leader Wagner-Meinert LLC appropriate in a small segment of our industry. But nothing provides more

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