2017 Technical Report July-August
The employer of the past was one far removed from his workforce; there was nothing in common between them. The employer was of one kind of clay and the workforce of another. Labor was bought at the lowest market price, like any other commodity. That Labor had a heart that pulsed good red blood to mind and body, and that this heart was the moving force in the human frame, was given scant consideration. Brawn was purchased, brain was bought, but the heart seemingly was useless, therefore worthless. The fewest dollars for the longest hours—that seemed to be the slogan. From early until late—twelve, fourteen, sixteen hours, and sometimes more was considered a fair day’s work. Men’s backs were heaped high, and the load had to be carried. Then something happened. Labor began to have birth pains, the labor agitator (protester) was born, unions were organized, talk of an industrial revolution filled the air. Capital and labor were soon at each other’s throats. Strikes, boycotts, lockouts, fires, explosions, murder—t’was as though the gates of hell had broken loose.
and asked where all this was going to end—inferring that it had gone far enough, or too far already. To this type of person it was brought home to the fact that just so long as humanity grows broader, higher and better, just so long will the movement for greater justice, closer relations and a fairer understanding continue between the person who hires and the persons who are hired. It was about this time that industry realized that the Human Trinity of Business was to play an important part in the great enterprises of our day. The realization that employers by themselves, regardless of capital or ideas, are of limited value. This brought home the necessity of multiplying one’s activities as many times as possible. To do this meant building up an organization, and it is here that a person has an opportunity to measure themselves. Their success, near- success or failure depends to a large extent on the use of the human material they have to deal with. It was to the study of the material on hand that they had to apply themselves, so as to strike a pitch that would be in complete harmony with their needs and their rights.
“ Where there is a combination of the brawn, brain and heart, there you have the highest ideal employee. ”
And then the sun began to shine. A better day was
dawning. Light was thrown on the dark spots. People began to see each other as they were. Fair play and a square deal became synonymous with good business—the handkerchief was removed from the eyes of justice, so that she could adjust herself to the new conditions Better wages, shorter hours, healthier and safer working conditions. All of these and more came with the fuller understanding of the new relationship between employer and employee. The employer began to realize that their workforce worked with, and not for the employer. It was recognized that something besides wages was necessary. There were obligations and duties that went with the job of being boss. Some talked of this movement forward as new-fangled ideas,
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