2017 Technical Report July-August
Deaths and births both bring financial obligations that the average worker is usually unable to meet at the time. All of these things are back- carrying loads that will slow down or make the best of workers careless. Your interest will help carry the load and put sunshine into the man and home where all was gloom before. And when you work along these lines, what happens? As the flowers of May respond to April showers, as a child responds to a mother’s love, so loyalty responds to loyalty. Money may buy a worker’s brawn, money may buy a worker ‘s brain. But, it takes heart activities to secure heart affection. Where there is a combination of the brawn, brain and heart, there you have the highest ideal employee. We owe the employee something else. We owe them the example of good citizenship. We owe him the example of sobriety and absolute honesty. Every public act of the employer should be such that every employee could do likewise without harm to himself. Being a good citizen is only equaled in my judgment to
stand ready to solve their problems, not as a charity, not as a philanthropy, but as a duty. These were what you owe them besides wages, hours, and working conditions. It is all of these things plus more. “To whom shall we give ourselves and where do we draw the line?” This question is asked or implied. The answer is that to every person who joins your organization, either as the commonest laborer or the highest executive this personal service is due. Let it be known that the wages paid are so much per week, plus the interest of the company in the welfare of each employee. Impress upon them that solving the problems of every employee is part of the daily business of your company. The employee with a burden is worth less to you than one without. The man who is ill, but who cannot afford to be laid off certainly is not doing effective work. The man who owes money, or who is about to run into debt will give better satisfaction if his difficulties are handled by you. This prevents him from seeking loan and other kinds of sharks who are seeking those unfortunates.
Also, it became necessary to make a little personal analysis, so that we could see through and around the so-called objections to the newer day. There was a cry for loyalty, and that a person should do a full day’s work for a full day’s pay. The questions are: “Do you give loyalty?” “Do you give a full day’s pay for a full day’s work?” No one can expect that which he does not give himself. If you insist upon your employees being loyal, you’ll have to give something of yourself to your people. Be glad when they’re glad, be with them in their sorrows. The employer needs to help them in their time of trouble, “ People building will pay greater dividends than any other department in your entire organization. It creates a wonderful spirit in those who work with and for you, and it makes even the commonest kind of work worthwhile to both the worker and employer. ”
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