2018 RETA Breeze Jan-Feb.indd
Therefore, the Board of Directors is hereby instructed to take steps to affiliate with the proposed centralized body; and authority is hereby given the Board of Directors to extend such financial support as the resources of the association will permit. III. RESOLVED, That this Association in convention assembled hereby extends its thanks and appreciation to the retiring officers and committees for their unceasing efforts and co- operation to further the best interests of the Association during their tenure of office; and for their work in making this convention a success. IV. RESOLVED, That this Association extends its thanks and appreciation to the management of the Coates House for its generosity in furnishing accommodations for the holding of its convention; and for the many favors and attentions extended its officers and members during the meeting. The Condolence Committee announced the deaths of Theodore Vilter and Alexander H. Schweiss. Many were saddened by the news that the industry had lost two giants. Elections were held and the Conference was adjourned.
After Conference, the members retired to their Chapters, but the National Officers continued to publish information for the members. On January 3rd, the Kansas City Chapter elected officers. They were sworn into office on Friday, January 23rd. They were: J. D. Hansen as President, C. C. Norman as Vice-President, G. K. Williams as Secretary-Treasurer, and S. F. Hannum, as Sergeant at Arms. Additional Directors included: James Gallup, G. E. Sterling, and P. E. Roessner. In February of 1920, the revised transcript of W.A. Converse’s “Boiler Feed Water” presentation, presented at the 1919 convention was finally released. S.C. Horst released an article entitled “Cost of Packing Friction”. Units of heat measurement. Thermometers: Their uses and application to refrigeration and ice making plants. Production of cold (thermodynamics). Manufacture and tests of refrigerants. Insulations: Uses and qualities as applied to cold storages and ice plants. Heat transmission through various substances. Systems of refrigeration.
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benefits of burning oil. I. G. Trimble then presented a paper entitled “Economical Boiler Settings”. The assembled body was then told that they would have the privilege of being addressed by Mr. J. F. Nickerson. The topic of his speech was a report on the unification of the various refrigeration interests and the need for a unified voice. A new constitution and bylaws were voted on and passed by the assembly. A total of five resolutions were passed. I. RESOLVED, That this convention extends its thanks and appreciation to the officers and members of Kansas City Sub ordinate No. l, and to its various convention committees, for the efficient and comprehensive manner in which all the details tending to the success of the meeting have been carried out; and that the secretary is directed to communicate this minute of action to the secretary of the Kansas City Subordinate Association. II. RESOLVED, That the National Association of Practical Refrigerating Engineers endorses the plan of unification proposed by the joint committee representing the several refrigeration associations, and co- operates in the fulfillment of the idea.
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