2018 RETA Breeze Jan-Feb.indd
Compression system: The use and care of the compression machine. Absorption machine: Construction and economical erection. Absorption machine: Operation and care. Calculation of capacities of compression and absorption machine unit of plant economy. The first lecture was given by Mr. Koehler after the Chicago Chapter meeting. The March Kansas City Chapter meeting explored the subject of “Can Galvanized Pipe be Successfully Used in the Construction of Ammonia Condensers or Expansion Coils” The Chicago Chapter met on March 3rd. The highlight of the meeting was an address by Education Committee Chairman C.W. Kohler. Chairman Kohler’s committee consisted of W. F. Lambin, H. T. Whyte, P. L. Tolerton, John A. Jung, and Carl E. Loker. 12 lecturers were outlined. April saw the publication of “Reminiscence” by Secretary F. L. Brewer and the Texas Chapter relocating to Woodman hall in Dallas for their April meeting, to allow for more room for members. The Chicago Chapter’s May meeting saw the second educational program,
“Thermodynamics” presented by A. J. Polcinsky, May 13th was the date that the Texas Chapter member’s wives and children were invited to attend and were treated to sandwiches and ice cream after the meeting. And in his May report, R. H. Bridges reported that the Louisiana Chapter was continuing to expand. At the June meeting of the Chicago Chapter, Fred C. Berk presented a lecturer on “Origin, Manufacture and Application of Ammonia”. A. H. Goelz presented the second lecturer of the evening on “CO2 as a Refrigerant”. The membership also voted to cancel the July and August meetings. In July, President Kloss issued a National call for members to attend and take part in meetings. ”Likes the N. A. P. R. E.” was published By F. P. Siebel. August saw the publication of F. C. Pituuzv’s article “Artificial Refrigeration and The Status of Matter.” September saw a flurry of articles as excitement began to build for the coming convention. They included: “Suggestions to the Plant Owner” by E. P. Fayant, “Shell Brine Cooler Trouble” and “The Machinery Situation” by I. E. Porter, “Getting Ready for the Next Season” by J. E. Lawrence, and “Stack Repaired By Acetylene Welding” by C. W. Kohler.
National President Kloss, traveled to Chicago to meet with Fred Berk and the rest of the organization committee to discuss preparations for the upcoming convention. The Chicago Chapter met on September 8th. The Business meeting was centered around preparations for the upcoming convention. The Auditorium Hotel was chosen to be the Headquarters for the convention. Chicago Chapter President MacDonald appointed A.J. Plocinsky as Chairman of the Finance Committee. In order to accommodate those members which worked nights, a motion was made and carried to move the time of the meeting up. This motion included provisions to change the meeting schedule to have two meeting per month. One educational and the other the regular business meeting. W.H. Mikkleson was scheduled to present a paper entitled “Insulation, Its Uses and Qualities as Applied to Cold Storage and Ice Plants; Heat Transmission through Various Substances” however, Mr. Mikkleson was called out of town, so Vice Chairman H.T. Whyte read the paper. The Chicago meeting was held on October 13. Thomas C. McKee presented the educational program “Refrigerating
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