2020 RETA Breeze Sept-Oct



A great topic. This regulation has been under emphasized since its initial rollout. The paper outlines a step by step process to comply with this regulation. This includes a great guide to getting started. Concepts are confirmed through references. If your facility has already attempted to comply, this presentation is a great way to review your current program. If you haven’t started or if you believe this program doesn’t apply to you, I suggest you consider the general duty clause. This program provides a great mechanism to look at your facility security. All of us need to assure the safety of our systems and facilities.“I’ll have my notebook open during the presentation”. What reviewers have to say:

Continuing Education Credit: 1 PDH

Author: Bill Lape, CIRO

T he Chemical Facility Anti- Terrorism standard (CFATS) Congress in 2007 to be security regulations that govern certain chemicals of interest (COI) at particular concentrations. The final rule was first published in the Federal Register by the Department of Homeland Security on April 9, 2007. The regulation became effective on June 8, 2007. An Appendix A to the regulation was published in the Federal Register on November 20, 2007. It was intended to address concerns raised by the industry and academia over what that is codified in 6 CFR Part 27 was initially authorized by

was considered to be excessively burdensome requirements.

The CFATS regulation created risk-based performance standards for managing the security of facilities that have on-site quantities of COIs over threshold amounts established within the regulations. The intent is to prevent these COIs frombeing used in a terrorist attack. This previewwas compiled by Sarah Selzer in conjunction with the author, Bill Lape. We would appreciate your feedback after the presentation. Please be as detailed as possible in your comments.

From the Author:

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