2020 RETA Breeze Sept-Oct
attendees with the highest daily points, most watched videos and more. Additionally, don’t miss out on 1 PDH by clicking on ALL the Jeopardy questions at sponsored booths and answer their educational question…its easy as that and you get 1 PDH. Did I forget to mention that 2 random attendees who answer all the Bingo Jeopardy questions will win a $500 gift card! Yep, you heard me right $500 buckaroos!! It would not be a RETA Conference without these next two programs. Please remember to join us for our general session and business meeting, which is scheduled on Tuesday, October 27th from 12:45-1:45 PM CST. Finally, let’s not forget one of our proudest moments…our awards ceremony. Please join the RETA family on Thursday, October 29th from 12:45-1:45 PM CST for the Awards Ceremony as we honor those who have helped keep the Association strong with their contributions of time, energy, and knowledge. If you have not registered yet, now is the time as we are mailing out welcome bags to the first 400 attendees. Who does not like getting something in the mail? I do and we have a lot of cool items in the bags from our sponsors. Please register at https://reta. com/page/2020-Conference- home. On Monday, October 26th all attendees will receive an email with login information which will allow you to sign into the virtual platform. Please familiarize yourself with the platform to see
where everything is located. There will also be sponsored virtual welcome bags in exhibit hall titled “Welcome Hall” for you to open and view prior to the Conference. Until then please look at our program to plan your schedule. Our program is located at https://reta.com/page/2020- Conference-program.Technical Topics are presented three times throughout the Conference, Manufacturing Sessions are presented twice, and Hot Points are presented once. For your success, please login before Conference starts. The success of this event is not possible without the continued support of our generous Sponsors, Exhibitors, Conference Committee, RETA HQ Staff and Board of Directors. In closing, I ask for your patience as we are all new to this virtual experience. I can assure you that our Conference Committee, Staff and Board of Directors have worked diligently to make this event as successful as possible. Will there be bumps…of course there will, but we are doing everything possible to put out fires before questions you may have. Please feel free to call me at 541-497- 2955 or email me at michelle@ reta.com. Respectfully, Michelle Robinson, Conference Manager we go online. I do however welcome feedback and will address any concerns or
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