2020 RETA Breeze Sept-Oct



“The times they are a-changing.” (Bob Dylan, 1964). Truer words have never been spoken (or sung). 2020 is undoubtedly one of the craziest years in history. We are all witness to history, in real time, from the inside. Covid-19, Politics, Riots, Wildfires, Wild weather, just to name a few. RETA in the year 2020, marks a first with virtual chapter meetings, and in the form of a first ever “Virtual National Conference”.

2020 has seen the rapid growth of Home Schooling, Online Training, and Distance Learning. RETA made available to its membership the RETA Online Training at no cost, so that members could continue to have a way to earn their Professional Development Hours (PDH) necessary to keep their Certification current. 2020 is the year that RETA completed the review and revision process of Industrial Refrigeration 1 & 2. Both are available in the RETA bookstore and in the RETA online training program.

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