2020 RETA Breeze Sept-Oct

and have a GWP less than 150 are the “natural”refrigerants: carbon dioxide, ammonia, a few hydrocarbons, and the newest class of synthetics called hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs).

2020 also marks a somewhat schizophrenic mandate by the U.S. EPA. Under their (now vacated, but under appeal) SNAP program (Significant New Alternative Policy) Final Rule 20, R-22 and other“green house gases”were to be phased out or reduced. Section 612 of the Clean Air Act provides that the EPA must prohibit of a substance where other substances are available that pose“less risk” to human health or the environment. So, what does that mean? Good question. The EPA’s list is somewhat fluid, the program is periodically re-evaluated by the EPA and decisions change based on several factors. The attempt to reduce the use of“ozone damaging synthetic refrigerants”has resulted in some refrigerants previously thought to be acceptable to also be placed on the list of banned substances. R-12 was the first to be banned in 2000. As of 2020, Other refrigerants originally thought to be ozone friendly are also now targeted to be or already have been eliminated, including: HFC-134a, R-141b, R-176, R-404A, R-405A, R-406A, R-407B, R-410A, R-410B, R-414A, R-414B, R-421B, R-422A, R-422C, R-422D, R-428A, R-434-A, R-507A, just to name a few. R-22, for decades a favorite refrigerant, widely used in industrial refrigeration as well as commercial and residential refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, was originally scheduled to be eliminated by the Montreal Protocol. R-22 can no longer be manufactured in the USA and may not be imported. Meaning the price and availability will soon make it prohibitive to use, especially in large scale refrigeration systems. Other refrigerants, originally thought to be acceptable substitutes, were or are in the process of being reduced or eliminated. In addition, some states including California, have adopted their own restrictions on synthetic refrigerants. Beginning Jan. 1, 2021, refrigerants with a GWP of 150 or greater are prohibited in new stationary refrigeration equipment with a charge size of 50 pounds or greater. For refrigeration, the only common refrigerants that are non-ozone depleting

MyCore RC-100 Reciprocating Compressor Pane l

What is the BOTTOM LINE ? • Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide are natural refrigerants. Both are thermally very efficient as refrigerants. Both have NO ozone depletion potential, meaning they will be around for a long time. Both represent the future of refrigeration. • To survive and thrive in our new reality we all need to work harder to improve our job skills.

Update your CP1A

New MyCore RC-100

Challenges ahead include:

• Economic disruption. • Continued civil unrest. • Breakdowns in our basic supply chain, with everything from food to toilet paper becoming more expensive and less available. • More people competing for fewer jobs.

• 5.7 resistance film type touch screen • Multiple languages • USB connection for import and export of settings, data logging and screen captures • Communication ports provide read and write data using Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/IP • Automatic capacity control

This roller-coaster is just getting to the top. Strap in, hold on, and remember what Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Hope to speak to you at the conference, Be well Vince Grindel, RETA Education Coordinator

info@mayekawausa.com | 615-773-2859 www.mayekawausa.com

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