2020 RETA Breeze Sept-Oct
In Memoradum of Richard “Pop” Baseler A couple of weeks ago longtime RETA member Glen Schrot shared a memory of one of his acquaintances and fellow RETA member who passed away last month. Richard D. “Pops” Baseler, August 19, 1928 - September 19, 2020. In addition to Glen, Mr. Baseler’s son Dan shared in the following. Rich’s life story is such a journey, his dad was thrown into the refrigeration business under strange circumstances originally working for Vilter and later a distributor in the 1930’s. Rich spent his young days going to work with his dad working on a variety of very primitive refrigeration systems like the 24 square block ammonia loop in the downtown St Louis, Missouri area. The compressors using large horizontal 30” bore piston compressors and the river for condensing. After high school, Rich signed up for the Navy in WWII to be stationed in the South Pacific with the “Sea Bees”. His specialty was Local 562 Pipefitter working for National Refrigeration, the Vilter
Representative. He traveled extensively in the 50’s and 60’s presenting at local professional organizations and was widely known for many years. He ran Paragon until 1998 when he turned it over to his son Dan Baseler with grandson Zach Epple (4th generation refrigeration legacy.) At age 70 he retired to working only a day or two a week, then later only as needed for engineering and technical support. Rich was a longtime member of RETA, life member of ASHRAE, RSES, and early member of IIAR. His contributions to the Industrial refrigeration business are endless and he has passed so much on to all he knew. Join me in the memory of our friend, fellow and mentor, Rich Baseler.
refrigeration, but they really did not have any opportunities to utilize this talent, so heavy equipment operator was what he was assigned to. Once out of the Navy he took the GI Bill and attended College at Missouri School of Mines at Rolla, today known as Missouri S&T, and attended Purdue University for his graduate work. He An opportunity arose at ALCO Valve Company where he spent 24 years. He then worked at the Frick factory in St Louis, the LV Filter Company until 1976 when he was asked by the owner of Krack to join Hussmann to help the transition of the sale between Krack and Hussmann. After about 8 years he saw an opportunity to start Paragon Engineered Products in 1984 and become the regional Krack worked for Herman truck body company right out of college, designing refrigerated trucks.
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