2020 Tech Report Jan-Feb

Task # 2.a.: Cleaning a Strainer in a Configuration “A” Control Group: Drain Valves



NOTE: Water containing ammonia drained from an Ammonia Refrigeration System may be considered hazardous. If you have any questions, consult your supervisor or facility contact on how to properly dispose of the wa- ter. NOTE: Log entries must contain the name of the person making the entry, as well as the time, date, and pertinent details. Be specific! If there is not an established Master Mainte- nance Log (or facility equivalent), log the infor- mation on your work order. See Task # 1 of this Maintenance Procedure.


Dispose of the water in the bucket.


Log “Isolation, Pumpout, and Strainer Cleaning of Control Valve _____” ( in- sert the appropriate valve number ) in the Master Maintenance Log (or facility equivalent). Repeat this Maintenance Procedure for each strainer to be cleaned, starting with Task # 1 “Preparing for Refrigeration Sys- tem Strainer Cleaning.” If this is the last strainer to be cleaned, cleanup the work area, and secure all equipment. When service / maintenance is complete, return the strainer control group to nor- mal operation by performing Task # 3.a. “Returning a Configuration “A” Control Group to Normal Operation.”



See Task # 3.a. of this Maintenance Proce- dure.

Task # 2.b.: Cleaning a Strainer in a Configuration “B” Control Group: Gauge Valves



NOTE: If the possibility exists that the condi- tions may have been altered after prepara- tion of the plan, you must repeat Task # 1 “Preparing for Refrigeration System Strainer Cleaning.”


Confirm that Task # 1 “Preparing for Re- frigeration System Strainer Cleaning” has been completed. If not completed, do so now before continuing with this Mainte- nance Procedure.


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