2020 Tech Report Jan-Feb

Task # 2.a.: Cleaning a Strainer in a Configuration “A” Control Group: Drain Valves




When pressure has bled off, close Valve “C.”

14. 15.

Remove hose from Valve “C.”

Check for any remaining pressure by carefully opening Valve “C.” If any pres- sure exists as evidenced by a strong am- monia odor, reattach the hose to Valve “C” and repeat the pumpout procedure (Steps 12 through 15) of this Mainte- nance Procedure. Verify that the strainer and / or strainer and control group has been isolated and pumped out. Ensure that all ammonia refrigerant in the isolated section with the strainer is pumped out to 0 PSIG. Slowly remove the bottom cap of the strainer or filter, either unscrewing the hex bottom or loosening the cover bolts. Slowly remove the screen / filter assem- bly and clean with a good solvent; blow dry and inspect. Lightly oil and place the gasket on the bottom cap. Carefully align the screen assembly in the center body and replace the bottom cover. Tighten cover / bolts in the accept- able prescribed manner.

If pressure continues to exist, it may be neces- sary to repeat this task to ensure all valves are tightly closed. If the problem persists, inform your supervisor or facility contact.

NOTE: The strainer control group should re- main under Refrigeration Operator / Techni- cian control throughout this procedure. If not, the possibility exists that conditions may have been altered after isolation, requiring the rep- etition of this Task.



CAUTION: Be careful to avoid any refrigerant which may still be in the strainer or filter. Refer to the strainer manufacturer’s Operation and Maintenance Manual for instructions.


NOTE: If the screen is damaged or debris / sludge / sediments cannot be removed and cleaned, replace the screen assembly.




Per ANSI/IIAR-2, valve gasket materials shall match valve manufacturer’s specifications, and shall be of the thickness specified.


Fully close Valve “C.”


Reinstall the plug in Valve “C.”


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