2023 Nov-Dec RETA Breeze
some component and pipe labeling opportunities and should consider properly installing component and pipe labeling as per IIAR Bulletin 114.” There are pro’s and con’s to each of these. The first one is almost always accompanied by a higher cost due to the labor hours associated with the inspection and documenting process. And, from an outside agency inspection process can lead to potential citations if every label deficiency called out is not addressed. The second is probably the easiest to manage as it is more generic and fairly easy to assign to operators to correct during their normal internal inspection or maintenance processes. The third is the cheapest option in terms of the 5-year M.I. perspective, but what often happens is a refrigeration manager or maintenance manager orders what they believe is the correct number and type of labels and generically assigns an operator to go label the equipment and piping. The draw back here is when this happens without an understanding of IIAR Bulletin 114, an outside agency inspects and cites the end user with labeling deficiencies per Bulletin 114. As a result, the end user contacts the company who performed the 5 Year M.I. upset they were cited for component and pipe labeling blaming the company who issued the recommendation as not sufficiently addressing the deficiency. This happens more than anyone might hear about. Now that that’s covered, how do you intend to test your engine room safeties? To test high level shutdowns, emergency stops, etc., the plant will likely have to have a down day or the functional testing performed on non-production hours such as weekends or holidays. It’s important that the safety circuit perform as designed. So, it’s important that the company perform ing the testing have an understanding of
the safety circuits. When testing the HLCO, is tripping the switch of the float with a rod to engage the switch sufficient? Or do you intend to flood the column for functional testing? Will you functionally test the ammonia detection during this audit such that it sends a signal to things like the plant wide fire system for evacuation? Detailing how your safety systems are to be tested is also important to the company performing this audit. How about Non-Destructive Testing? Will the company performing the 5 Year M.I. also be performing any necessary NDT? Or will that be a separate quote based upon visual inspection recommendations? What does your Mechanical Integrity program state in terms of how and when to perform NDT? Do you want your report to be digital, hard copy, or both? Is it to include pictures? Do you have all of your Process Safety Information compiled and is it accurate? If the company performing the audit has to gather your PSI for you, that’s another cost added to the bottom line. As you can see from above, simply calling or emailing a company asking for a 5 Year M.I. is sort of an open-ended question. And quite frankly a mistake I made early in my career which led me to thinking some contractors were so much more expensive than others. The other factor here is there are some companies who perform these that often have an internal policy as to the minimum they will perform for their own liability protection. Done properly, the quotes you get back will be more represen tative of an apples for apples comparison and make contractor selection less about lowest bid and more about quality of the end product. Vic
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