2023 Nov-Dec RETA Breeze

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS On behalf of RETA, the RETA 2024 Technical Conference Committee is sponsoring a Call for Abstracts relating to Industrial and Commer cial Refrigeration. The Committee welcomes papers on the following suggested topics: • Management • Compliance • Operations • Engineering Authors of accepted abstracts will present their work at the RETA 2024 National Conference, taking place from October 22nd-24th, 2024, in Grapevine, Texas at the Gaylord Texan. In addition to presentation, each topic paper will be published and given to each attendee. Both RETA members and non-members are invited to submit proposals for papers. The deadline to submit an abstract is January 19, 2024 Timely submission of the abstract is critical to the success of the program. All authors will receive electronic notification indicating acceptance or decline of the sub- mitted abstract in February of 2024. The RETA Technical Conference Committee looks forward to receiving abstract proposals in response to the call and is happy to respond to inquiries from interested parties. Submissions and questions may be addressed to Stephanie Date at Stephanie@reta.com . SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT TODAY AT WWW.RETA.COM/2024-CONFER ENCE-ABSTRACT or STEPHANIE@ RETA.COM

Did you know you can get involved and be a part of the team that makes the Confer ence successful? It’s true. The RETA Confer- ence has many volunteer opportunities: • Conference Committee Member • Session Moderator & Scanner • Conference Speaker & Presenter • Event Setup • Registration Support • Onsite Volunteering For more information and to get involved, contact Stephanie Date at stephanie@reta. com or by calling 541-497-2977.

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