2024 Mar-Apr RETA Breeze

Dear RETA Community, We are thrilled to introduce three initiatives that are close to our hearts and are making a significant impact in the refrigeration industry and we’re looking to our member ship to help us move forward in exciting new ways! Many have heard of the Women in Natural Refrigeration (WiNR) and REDWHITEandCOOL initiatives, but one that hasn’t received as much attention yet is the Youth and Young Adults (YaYA) program. The Youth and Young Adults (YaYA) initiative focuses on inspiring the youth of today to pursue careers within our industry. One of the biggest barriers to bringing young talent into our industry is knowl edge that our industry exists and the prom ising careers that are available to a wide variety of skill sets.

YaYA will be attending the upcoming SkillsUSA Championships Conference to promote career and technical education, and they need your support to make a lasting impact! The SkillsUSA Champion ships is the premier showcase of America’s most highly skilled career and technical education students. It’s also one of the largest hands-on workforce development events in the world. Held in conjunction with SkillsUSA’s National Leadership & Skills Conference each June, this awe-inspiring event features more than 6,000 state champions from across the United States competing head-to-head in 115 skilled and leadership competitions. RETA-TI has made a commitment to showcasing the industrial refrigeration industry and career opportunities by exhib iting at SkillsUSA this year, and we are looking for financial support to ensure a successful conference and demonstration

of our industry. Get involved by donating to RETA-TI, a 501(c)(3) organization, and together we can bring the next generation of skilled workers into the refrigeration industry. As a sponsor of at least $2,500, your company will receive prime recogni tion and exposure during the conference. There will be a dedicated backdrop to advertise your company’s brand, products, and services, ensuring maximum visibility amongst the attendees. This opportunity will allow you to connect directly with potential customers, industry leaders, and talented individuals who are passionate about pursuing careers in industrial refrigeration. Learn more today about the RETA-TI initiatives at https://www.reta-ti.org/. Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to advancing our industry! STAY FROSTY & KEEP IT COLD!

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