2024 Mar-Apr RETA Breeze

The following is an excerpt from a much larger unpublished work

History: RETA 1920 convention

means, they should be encouraged. Every engineer who can possibly do so should attend, and his employer should gladly pay at least part of his expenses, and give him his full time while away. It will be a much-needed vacation after a strenuous season, and he will appreciate it in renewed effort to “deliver the goods” Secretary Brewer issued invitations to several nation organizations. At the Annual convention of the Kentucky Ice Manufacturer’s Association, Secretary Brewers invitation was read to the members present. The president then, instructed the organization secretary to send invitations to every member of the Kentucky Ice Manufacturer’s Association who was not in attendance. Mr. Lawrence was called upon to attend the Southern Ice Manufacturer’s Associa when he returns home. F. L. Brewer, Secretary.

The 1920 conference would be a pivotal one in the history of the organization. The 11th annual convention left its southern roots and was held in Chicago. Originally scheduled for Wednesday December 8th through Friday December 10th, 1920, some issues forced its delay until December 13 – 16th. The Conven tion location was the hotel Sherman. Secretary F. L. Brewer and the Publicity Committee did a tremendous job of building anticipation for the conference. The Publicity Committee Chairman Edward H. Fox, resided on West Lake Street in Chicago, making it easier for him to coordinate activities as the convention came near. In his November advertisements, Secretary Brewer wrote: The Association is composed of practical engineers who are banded together for the sole purpose of education, and by all

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